2013 Statecom Fall agenda




9:00 am * Welcome / Registration / Credentialing / Tea & Crumpets / Recruit Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian (watch out for a tap on the shoulder!  Or send a note to the co-facilitators ahead of time if you wish to volunteer for one of these important roles)

9:30 am * Call to Order * Secretary's confirmation of quorum * Identify and Confirm Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian

9:35 am * Approve the day’s agenda PLEASE REVIEW AND COMMENT AHEAD OF TIME

9:40 am * Selection of January 2014 State Committee date and co-facilitators (probably Jan 11 or 25)

9:45 am * Approval of April 21, 2013 State Committee Meeting Minutes and July 13, 2013 State Committee Meeting Minutes  PLEASE REVIEW THE DRAFTS, THE POSTED CONCERNS, AND MAKE COMMENTS ON LINE PRIOR TO ARRIVAL

10:00 am * Message from Co-Chairs & AdCom Report

10:15 am * Endorsement of Rick Purcell for Holyoke City Council

10:30 am * * Review and Approve By-Laws and Maps re:  Statecom Representative Districts Part 1 - discussion limited to 15 min, if further discussion needed, it will commence at 2:30 pm after lunch and campaign outreach. 


10:45 am * Membership and Candidate Recruitment Role Plays

11:45 am * Holyoke Local Issues Orientation (Rick Purcell and Darlene Elias to lead)

12:00 noon * Lunch / Field Campaign Outreach Activities

Choice of:
1) Campaign Visibility,
2) Campaign Door-Knocking,
3) Membership Recruitment Door-Knocking

2:30 pm  * Review and Approve By-Laws and Maps re:  Statecom Representative Districts (continued, if needed)

2:45 PM * New GRP Budget Procedures (Advanced Reading Click Here)

AdCom recently adopted new budget procedures that will result in a budget being developed by AdCom in December and brought to the January StateCom meeting.  We want to make sure StateCom understands the process and get their concurrence with the process.  Since a lot of work has to be done before the next StateCom meeting, we want to make sure we have the green light to begin work now.

3:00 pm * Bold Action Plan State Convention Proposal (Advance Reading click here)

This is follow-through to the proposal approved in July.  A major decision will be made at the State Convention with very little time for discussion.  The proposal(s) to go before the convention should be reviewed and StateCom should indicate its support.   The proposal may be published prior to October 20.  If StateCom wants to offer an amendment, the wording could be delegated to someone and they could bring it to the floor of the convention.  A discussion of possible slate initiatives would be very helpful since state convention discussion will be very limited for such a complex undertaking.

3:20 pm * 2014 Financial Plan

A basic financial plan is being adopted by AdCom in conjunction with the Fundraising Director.  It is needed to provide the basis for preparing a budget.  It includes a proposal is to put a high priority on recruiting more monthly donors.  StateCom should give feedback on this plan and decide if they want to give it final approval in January.

3:30 pm * Committee Assignments

Each StateCom member is required to be a member of at least one working committee.  We need to review the memberships and make sure that each member understands the requirement and is following through. The most up to date roster will be available at registration so that we can update as needed and address this item in an efficient manner.

3:40 pm * Action Proposals Follow-Up

We need to report on the action proposals that resulted from the January StateCom meeting and see what further effort StateCom wants to take.  The three action proposals that have been worked on are Enhanced Member Database,  Green Flags Project, and New Membership Document.

3:50 pm * Treasurers Report

4:00 pm * Working Committee Reports  - CDLC, Communications, Convention, Fundraising, Membership, Platform

4:30 pm * Chapter Reports - Berkshire, Pioneer Valley, Nashua River, Assabet River Valley, Greater Boston, Quinebaug Valley - I feel like I have forgotten someone here....  please comment if I have overlooked or misspelled a chapter in this list

4:45 pm * Co-Facilitators’ Round Robin

5:00 pm * Adjourn


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  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    followed this page 2013-09-30 17:00:46 -0400