Does Your State Rep Know?

Nat_Fortune150sq.jpg Does your state representative know you support mandatory mediation before any foreclosures, so unnecessary evictions no longer occu? Calls from supporters last week succeeded in adding the needed language to the MA Senate Bill. Your call today will help us add that language in the House. 

Here's what your call today to your state rep can help bring about: 

  • Mandatory mediation, like all of our other sister New England States
  • Transparency, so homeowners can understand the new procedures and obligations
  • consistency with Federal Standards
  • protect and preserve Homeowner rights
  • allow homeowners to rent after foreclosure, should that come to pass
Is this too much to ask for? 

Of course not. So please, ask. Call today! 

 Just call the switchboard at 617-722-2000, and ask to be transferred to your state representative's office* to leave a message. 

The person who answers the phone will be VERY polite, and won't get into an argument. They'll just take your message, and pass it on to your state rep. The one that's supposed to represent you, and who's job it is to listen. They want your call. 

OK, I'm ready to make the call. What's the message? 

"Please add the homeowner protections in senate bill S2298 to house bill 4096." 

Easy, right?  OK, so it's a mouthful. S2298? H4096? Doesn't anyone use words anymore? 

So if you prefer, you can say the same thing by letting them know the following:  

"I support the protections proposed by the Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL), and would like you to sign on to the "dear colleague" letter from Representative O'Day adding mandatory mediation to the foreclosure bill. I'd also like to hear how you vote on the measure. "

Then you can say this is about H4096 and S2298. They'll figure it out. 

Need more information? Visit our information page here: The Green-Rainbow Party is one of the founding organizations in MAAPL.

Thank you!

* If you don't know who your State Representative is, you're not alone. But it is easy to find out. Go to, enter your address, when the screen comes down, scroll down to "general court" and find your representative's name there.

PS: we would welcome your financial support of our work on behalf of tenants and homeowners facing unnecessary foreclosures. To contribute, please visit:

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