Fall 2016 Agenda

9:00   Registration & Credentialing / Refreshments

9:30  Call To Order, Co-Chairs' Welcome 
9:40 Secretary’s confirmation of quorum,  Identify and Confirm Timekeeper, 
          Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian, seating alternates  if needed, 
           elect new statecom members if any.  
10:00  Approve the day’s agenda. PLEASE REVIEW AND COMMENT AHEAD OF 

10:10 Selection of Winter 2017 State Committee Location, Date and Co-Facilitators (available sat/sun in January: 7/8, 14/15 - MlK 15/16, 21/22 (Inauguration Day is the 20th), and 28/29)

10:15 Approval of Summer 2016 State Committee Meeting Minutes  PLEASE REVIEW 
            PRIOR TO ARRIVAL

10:25   Elect Diversity Representatives to AdCom
    Approve new chapter representatives to AdCom (if needed)
    Appoint members to GPUS committees (if needed)

10:35  Reports from officers (co-chairs, treasurer, secretary)

11:00 Reports from Committees

  • Candidate Development & Legal
  • Communications & Media
  • Convention Planning
  • Fundraising & Finance
  • Membership, Diversity & Volunteer Recruitment
  • Platform 
  • report from GPUS national committee
  • Action Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • PCWG

11:50 Approval Convention Date & Location

May 13 in Worcester

12:00 Lunch

12:30-2:00pm Stand out at Route 9 bridge over  CT river.  

2:00pm -3:30pm  breakout into two sessions.

1) learning more about using nation builder - Ian and Brian would run that session, which would likely not take the entire 1.5 hours, so those in this session would be able to join session 2 when we are done.  . 

2) campaign goals and plans for the near term (coming 4-6 weeks).  Then, what do we do with the energy we are getting from the election?  Campaign school?  Convention in May?    What can/should we be doing to keep the party growing?    Run by Massachusetts volunteer coordinator Jamie Guerin and GRP co chair Darlene Elias.  

***Can we get someone from CDLC to help field questions about running for office, since that is likely to come up?  (Encouraging folks to run for local office - Make sure folks know when their town's elections are, many are in the April-June time frame rather than November.)

3:30pm - chapter reports and round robin

4pm - adjourn and join national teleconference










Showing 13 reactions

  • David Rolde
    commented 2016-10-01 00:51:33 -0400
    I agree with Merelice that we should follow up on the discussion of the ballot questions from the last meeting. In particular I thought that we left the last meeting with a feeling in the room that we were tabling a decision about the animal cruelty question for further discussion at the Fall meeting. I think we should at least allocate ten minutes to that and see if has now become easier to come to a decision about this. But I also agree with Merelice that we should discuss the press releases about our positions at least briefly about how these are going to get written.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-30 10:52:09 -0400
    I agree with Joyce as co-facilitator. With a Yes/No question written by other who are spending over a million dollars, it may not fit completely in our values enough to get the 2/3 vote required.
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2016-09-30 09:34:19 -0400
    Actually, as a facilitator, I think spending another hour on the Ballot question topic would be a waste of our time. We are divided on this issue. I don’t think we should take a stand when we are so clearly divided. There is nothing to be gained from that. It’s much more important to talk about the issues Ian and I placed on the agenda in the afternoon. We will have many guests (6 have RSVP’d) at this meeting. In so far as it’s the facilitator’s call on the agenda, don’t expect that ballot question to make it to the agenda.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-30 06:58:03 -0400
    As to ballot ballot questions:
    If someone wants to draft text, it would be welcome. The text should reflect the GRP reason for the position.

    As far the question about farm regulation, the state committee seemed divided on the regulation on the farms to make animal’s confinement better and costs to the poor in addition to effect on farmers. Do you see away forward? Remember this a question drafted b by someone else.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-30 06:48:57 -0400
    The standout location was recommended by people from the local area.My understanding is that it is a busy intersection. The bridge and the river are likely land marks. If we have a enough people, multiple locations could be possible.
  • David Rolde
    commented 2016-09-30 02:53:41 -0400
    Why stand out over the Connecticut River? Who is going to be on the river to see us? It might be cold and windy on the bridge. Or do you mean the bridge over Interstate 91. Why not stand out in downtown Northampton instead?
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-29 20:31:56 -0400
    When are the town/city elections for the State Committee members? Do they know the filing deadlines?
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-29 20:27:40 -0400
    Volunteers to research items for the budget.
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2016-09-29 20:22:15 -0400
    We should take some time to do a standout on the Route 9 Bridge in Northampton, about 3 min by car from the statecom location.
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2016-09-29 20:21:15 -0400
    what can we do to keep the recent enthusiasm and momentum past the election? could this be a topic for discussion? It looks like we’ll have several new people in the room, if not as official statecom members than as observers and interested parties.
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2016-09-29 20:19:43 -0400
    also should let Jamie speak about events in the coming weeks before election day
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2016-09-28 19:18:40 -0400
    Possible after lunch actives could include break out sessions:
    Nation Builder
    Structure for Volunteer Coordination
  • Charlene Dicalogero
    followed this page 2016-09-05 23:16:19 -0400