Fall 2016 minutes

StateCom Meeting (Unofficial) of October 1, 2016

56 Shallowbrook Lane, Northampton, MA


Roni Beal – Central Region

Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region

Joyce Palmer Fortune – Western Region

Ian Jackson – First Boston Metropolitan Region

Dan Kontoff - First Boston Metropolitan Region

Manny Pintado - Western Region

David Rolde - First Boston Metropolitan Region

Nancy Slater - Western Region

Daphne Stevens - Western Region

Arrived for late afternoon session:

Charlene DiCalogero - Central Region

David Spanagel - Central Region



Quorum not established at 9 voting members.

There are 25 StateCom members as of October 1, 2016.


Ian welcomed AdCom members and guests to the meeting.  Ian noted that a third of Massachusetts voters do not know Jill Stein or have formed an opinion about her campaign.  He added that we need to change that view.  If people care about the environment they have one choice, the Green-Rainbow Party.  After the federal election, we need to think about local elections and gain experience from serving in local offices.


Introductions for benefit of guests:

Jamie Guerin – Massachusetts for Stein Coordinator

Elizabeth Humphrey – friend of Jamie Guerin

Jason King – Greenfield – newly registered Green voter

Diane Poland – volunteer working with Jamie Guerin

Barbara ven den Berg – Amherst Town Ward member


Timekeeper – Manny Pintado

Vibes watcher – Dan Kontoff

Stacker – Brian Cady

Parliamentarian – Roni Beal


Approval of Agenda:

Agenda approved by consensus.


Select Winter StateCom Location and Date:

Saturday, January 7, 2017 - Central Mass with snow date January 21, 2017

Co-facilitators:   David Spanagel & Brian Cady


Approval of Minutes:

Amendments to July 17, 2016 StateCom minutes are:

Ian Jackson – He stood aside on his concerns that Tax/Regulation was different than stated platform position on Marijuana for “Regulations and Taxation of Marijuana”.

M K Merelice – Under fundraising/finance report Merelice said Jill’s campaign had good examples of fundraising letters, not thank-you letters.

David Rolde – Requested that his concerns be stated in the minutes.  His concerns were about a candidate's (alleged) positions on repression of people labeled as “mentally ill” and on Palestine and Zionism and Jewish supremacism.  There, since the proposal implied GRP support for the campaign, he would stand aside during the meeting.  In general, the point of not standing aside on concerns is so that the concerns will be in the minutes. 

Minutes approved with amendments


Elect Diversity Representatives to AdCom:

No action


Reports from Officers:



The Stein campaign sent $5K grant to the GRP.  Ian emphasized the need for a fundraiser and noted that operating a Party on $11K per year is inadequate to accomplish goals.  The treasurer’s report is available on-line.


Description Credit Debit
State Starting Balance 9/1/2016 $4,016.56
Donations $160.57

Fund Raising $6.22
Bank Fees $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $9.80
Candidate Contributions $0.00
Legal $0.00
Refund $0.00
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder
Participation Meetings $0.00
Convention Food $0.00
Convention Rent $0.00
Convention Speaker
Convention Supplies $0.00
State Com Food $0.00
State Com Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00
Ad $0.00
State Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $4,161.11

Description Debt
Federal Starting Balance 9/1/2016 $7,133.87
Donations $103.00

Fund Raising PayPal Fees $1.75
Bank Fee $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $98.39
Candidate Contributions
Refunded Contributions
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder $89.00
Internet $0.00
Participation Meetings
Convention Food $0.00
Convention Rent $0.00
Convention Speaker $0.00
Convention Supplies $0.00
State Committee Food $0.00
State Committee Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00 0
AD 0
Volunteer Meetings $125
Volunteer Coordinator $1000
Presidential Campaign Events $650
Federal Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $5,922.73
Description 2016 Budget
Starting Balance 1/1/2016 $3,416.24
Donations $12,765.78

Fund Raising $194.78 3.19% 200
Bank Fees $39.00 0.64% 70
Events $325.00 5.33% 500
Postage $404.79 5.33% 300
Candidate Contributions $0.00 0.00% 1200
Legal $0.00 0.00% 0
Refunded Contributions $0.00 0.00% 0
Office Supplies $26.74 0.44% 50
Nation Builder $1,072.03 17.58% 972
Internet $274.93 4.51% 500
Participation Meetings NC $600.00 9.84% 1000
Convention Food $594.35 9.75% 600
Convention Rent $100.00 1.64% 250
Convention Speaker $221.50 3.63% 500
Convention Supplies $64.18 1.05% 200
State Com Food $0.00 0.00% 300
State Com Rent $165.00 2.71% 500
Printing $240.88 3.95% 500
Ads $250.00 4.10% 500
Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) $125.00 2.05% 500
Volunteer Coordinator $1,400.00 22.96%

$6,098.18 8642

Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $11,483.84

Prepaid Rent

Donations/Per Month for Goal $720.17
YTD Donation Target $5,761.33
Donations above YTD Target $2,004.45

Convention Net $397.51

Party Building Grant $3,475.00 Donations to support Presidential Campaign less expenses
Projected Volunteer Coordinator -$1,600.00 Through Nov 15
Possible Event Reimbursement $600.00
Net $2,475.00

Ian Jackson, Treasurer

Ian reported that NationBuilder operates a hosting service with charges based on number of people listed in the system.  There is no official enforcement about dues to party.  All Stein donations are directed to Jill’s campaign, Green Party donations go to the Green Party.  Donations to GRP go to GRP and donations to Town Committee go to Town Committee.  Ian offered to answer specific questions via email or after meeting.



Roni reported recording minutes at weekly AdCom meetings and responding to voice mail and email GRP office requests.


Reports from Committees:

CDLC – candidate literature is available.



The Communications Committee is in need of a communications director.  Joyce reported ongoing tasks such as sending emails, social media, updating the Facebook page.  Press releases are sent to all supporters with a request to forward to supporter’s local press.  Tactical teams take on small jobs, i.e. follow-up with media.  Dan K. reported that volunteers are signing up for Stein campaign, encourage supporters to join GRP.  Brian thanked Joyce for her work.



Roni reported the First Unitarian Church is reserved for May 13, 2017.  Cost is $350 to rent all spaces in the church, an increase of $100 from last convention.  Roni explained the rationale for renting space at the church for 2017 and exploring options in Boston for 2018, including a fundraiser dedicated to raising funds to rent a space in Boston.  Joyce added that convention expenses entail renting a venue, food, supplies, mileage for guest speakers, and occasionally overnight accommodations for key note speakers. Roni noted that the Greater Boston chapter will play a major role in organizing a convention in the Boston area. Joyce encouraged someone to take the lead on finding a Boston venue for 2018.  Manny suggested the SEIU 26 West St. Boston as a possibility.  There was a short discussion about the pros and cons of holding the convention in Worcester, including the shortage of public transportation, compared to Boston which has train and bus service to most locations.


Joyce proposed that the 2017 state convention be held at the First Unitarian Church on May 13th in Worcester and to begin the search for a venue in Boston for the 2018 convention. Due to lack of quorum, there was an informal consensus by StateCom members in attendance with the proposal. The proposal will be presented to AdCom at October 5 meeting.



Manny reported on plans to set a date to send email blast to donors.  There is no cost to send email blast.  Ian encouraged new members to donate.



Brian reported the flyer supply is almost depleted and that he plans to print more flyers.  Brian had Stein campaign cards printed that include the 10 key values to recruit volunteers.  He paid out-of-pocket for the cards.  Brian did not have GRP membership total available, but reported that membership has increased.  Daphne reported that the campaign flyer required some edits.  Brian offered to send a pdf of flyers and cards to members so they can have materials printed at their local copy shop.  Cost $75/250 cards.  Ian noted that members may submit receipts for reimbursement.  Brian commented that bulk rates are best value for printing.  The GRP Comparison sheet is out-of-date because Democrats have changed their platform as a result of the Bernie Sanders campaign.



Joyce reported a great deal of platform activity took place prior to campaign action.  Bill Ashley, who leads the Platform Committee, was campaigning for Danny and Charlene and was unable to attend the StateCom meeting.



Darlene was unable to attend the meeting.  No report.



Brian reported the Action Committee has been conducting standouts.



Ian reported that the Legislative Committee requires structure and attention as the committee moves forward.  Diane Poland inquired if ComCom falls under the Legislative Committee. Dan K. noted the Action Committee should be separate from the Legislative Committee, but work in conjunction with Legislative.  Ian advocated that Legislative work begin on endorsing bills.  He hopes to fill posts at next StateCom meeting.  Daphne reported 4,000 statehouse bills are presented each year and within two weeks these same legislative bills require sponsors.  The end result is many bills fail.  Joyce reported that GRP has had success with MAAPL legislation, otherwise GRP legislature action would not very successful.  MAAPL legislature is a good model.  Sponsors are required for all Green-Rainbow Party bills.  Ian noted there is an investment for the Party to follow-up on the status of a bill.  Let’s invest the time.  State House News Service (similar to AP), is excellent source of bill information.  Ian advised that members check the internet and invest in tools to keep up to date on bill status.  He added that there is a cost associated with tools.  Diane inquired if GRP has any friends in State House.  Manny and Joyce reported knowing state representatives.   

Barbara ven der Berg noted that other associations have access to information.  Joyce responded that associations such as non-profits may have access that focus on their organization’s interests.  Manny receives state house news from a few sources.  Brian noted that information is available, but people need to subscribe. Daphne reported Representative Paul Mark, of Peru, MA has a Green Bank House Bill 3532 that focuses on multifamily housing, similar to New York state.  Information is available through Telecommunications/Energy Committee.   


Presidential Committee Working Group (PCWG)

Joyce reported that this committee worked until the end of August, when it changed to SPCWG.  Jamie was hired to take care of tasks of PCWG.  Joyce explained SPCWG is no longer needed.  Ian noted if Jill wins in MA it won’t be necessary to shepherd Electors to the state house.  Electors were selected at last StateCom meeting in July. 


Approval Convention Date & Location:


Joyce explained the current status for the upcoming 2017 convention.  The First Unitarian Church of Worcester, May 13, 2017, cost $350 for all church facilities.  Only down side, the church is not close to train station or public transportation.  Car pool arrangements will be made available.  Joyce noted Boston would be ideal location, but the local Boston chapter must be prepared to make arrangements.  A Boston venue will involve additional work and funds.


Brian commented that the GBC is not organized or prepared to arrange for convention in Boston.  We know the Unitarian church works, plus there is ample parking.  Joyce, if Jill receives 5% nationwide, we could obtain additional funds to hold the convention in Boston.  We could try Boston for 2018.  Daphne pointed out Amherst area has many assets for holding a convention.  Ian recommended reporting to AdCom to hold the 2017 convention at the Unitarian church.  Dan K. agreed.  AdCom will be advised to hold the convention at First Unitarian church and work toward holding 2018 convention in Boston.


New Areas for Chapter/StateCom Member Development


Dan K. North Shore chapter is forming which is a possibility for a new StateCom member.


Campaign School


Ian suggested the possibility of holding a campaign school which is open to non-Greens in Boston, rather than convention.

Break for lunch.


After lunch, StateCom took leave from the meeting to standout at the bridge, located at routes 9 and 91.  Manny took pictures.  Dan K. wins the prize as best standout campaigner.


Breakout sessions:

NationBuilder training – Brian led a training session with Manny, Ian, Roni, Nancy and Joyce.  Participants learned how to create district map and list potential Green voters.


Discussion about campaign activities – Daphne, Jamie, Dan, Diane, Elizabeth, Charlene and David discussed holding at least one standout for each region with additional Boston standouts, such as a festival in Somerville and Oktoberfest.  They also discussed holding phone banks once a week.  The Stein campaign will provide a canvassing guide. Another event is Columbus Day a/k/a Indigenous People Day in Easthampton.  Calendar of events will be posted on website.  Text banking was suggested as more personal mode of communication than email.  Transportation to Super Rally in Boston – buses will come from all over the state.  See website for additional events.


Daphne reported members of the Pioneer Valley chapter plan weekly stand-outs and phone banking.

Jason King noted the Green Party of Maryland is well organized and a good model for other states.  Meet the Greens (Angel’s idea) along with voter registration, an attractive option for college students who may want to vote at home.  There are three write-in states for Jill – refer to ballot access on Jill2016 graphic. Meet the greens is another site worth exploring.


Round Robin

Joyce – Impressed with progress made at meeting.

Roni – great standout at the bridge, good response from drivers.

Ian – disappointed with turn-out of StateCom members – lack of quorum.

Daphne – good energy from new members, especially sitting through business meeting.  Good dynamic.

Jamie – encourage members to participate in upcoming standouts.

Elizabeth Humphrey – new participant, ready to help with campaign.

Charlene – came in from campaigning – happy to join larger group at StateCom.

Diane Poland – looking forward to working with Jamie.  Fun working with GRP.

Brian – Glad he attended.  Good NationBuilder training session.

Jason King – Fully support GRP in the foreseeable future.

David – Drove Charlene to meeting.

Nancy – Liked energy at meeting.

Manny – Happy to be at meeting to have liaison at statehouse.  Jill is on the ballot in Nevada. Jill is on the ballot in 48 states.

Dan K. – We are all part of a bigger thing.  Party is growing, great potential.  There is hope for GBA chapter.  Good food.


Meeting adjourned 4:00 pm 

Showing 2 reactions

  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2017-01-06 12:52:56 -0500
    Charlene R. Dicalogero – Worcester and Middlesex
    David Spanagel – Worcester and Middlesex
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2017-01-06 11:43:27 -0500
    David Rolde’s region is West Metropolitan Region