After noon items

Do we have any information about the following items:

3:10 Discussion of MAAPL petition to recall the very bad law the legislature just passed!   MAAPL is looking for conservative commitments of signatures to be gathered in Jan/Feb.  Earliest deadline is Feb 23 (signatures in to town clerks) but it might be extended.  (15 minutes)

3:25 Discussion and consensus item on becoming an intervenor on the pipeline.  (or not).   (15 min)

3:40 Brainstorming about how to get presidential candidate info out to party members.  (20 min)

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Charlene Dicalogero
    commented 2016-03-27 23:48:13 -0400
    MAAPL recall of “Title Clearing” Law was refused by the state or deemed not possible. Signature gathering for this purpose was halted.
  • Ian Jackson
    published this page in Statecom Minutes 2016-01-09 2016-03-23 06:55:53 -0400