Membership, Diversity & Volunteer Recruitment Committee

The mission of the MDVR is to develop strategies, materials and volunteer resources to expand the party base, both in diversity and number, in support of building the party as an effective electoral, educational and activist organization advocating for People, Peace and Planet.

Goals of MDVR:

  • Build the party membership and plug volunteers into ongoing work.
  • Provide locals with assistance in expanding their membership and improving their organizing efforts.
  • Provide up-to-date materials for organizing locally, tabling at events, and registering new people in the party.
  • Give locals access to training classes on organizing and membership development.
  • Find experienced organizers who will work with locals to improve their organizing.
  • Increase the diversity of the general party membership and promote, encourage, and recruit diversity in the leadership of the party.
  • Increase the number of local chapters.

Getting Involved

Please contact the Membership Director at [email protected] to get involved.

You can also ask to join the email list for the committee at this link:

Showing 3 reactions

  • Zeyah Fee
    followed this page 2022-11-22 17:34:28 -0500
  • Brian Cady
    followed this page 2015-06-28 14:44:55 -0400
  • Isabel Espinal
    published this page in Working Committees 2012-04-21 07:42:19 -0400