summer 2015 agenda

Draft Agenda

State Committee Meeting
Summer, 2015

9:00   Registration & Credentialing / Refreshments
9:30  Call To Order, Co-Chair's Welcome
9:40 Secretary’s confirmation of quorum,  Identify and Confirm Timekeeper,
          Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian, seating alternates  if needed,
           elect new statecom members if any.  (Katie B and Ian J. are known candidates)
10:00  Approve the day’s agenda. PLEASE REVIEW AND COMMENT AHEAD OF

10:10 Selection of Oct 2015 State Committee Location, Date and Co-Facilitators
             (available Saturdays in October are: 3,10,17,24,31)

10:15 Approval of Spring 2015 State Committee Meeting Minutes  PLEASE REVIEW
            PRIOR TO ARRIVAL

10:25  Elect diversity members/ any new chapter reps to adcom/any nat'l  
             committee appointments

10:30  Statecom Endorsement of Candidates (According to section 12 of the bylaws).

Candidates who got their stuff to CDLC (as per bylaws)

Darlene Elias, Holyoke City council;

                      Plinio De Goes, Cambridge City Council;

Sean Connell Fall River School Committee (to be confirmed - do we have these details right?) 

11:00   Ad Com Report: Co Chairs Report, Treasurers Report, Secretary's Report
             (Please prepare reports in writing and summarize orally. One minute each
              allotted for oral summary and discussion.)

11:15   Working Groups Report: CDLC, Fundraising, MD&VR, Platform, Action,
              Legislative, Communications
             (1 minute each for report. 2 minutes each for discussion. Groups are
              encouraged to submit a report in writing and summarize orally.)
11:30   Old business - PCWG Presidential Election Plan and Delegate selection Plan
12:30  Lunch (interview with Katie for the website)

1:30   Old business - Running for statecom - Action Plan for reconstituting ourselves after the election

1:50   The Green-Rainbow Party has requested recognition as the State Party Committee of the FEC. This is formally know as AO 2015-01. Time should be set aside for an overview of the process and possible required steps. A response is expected around July 6. - Ian Jackson

2:00   GRP Convention Report and Discussion (Roni Beal)

2:10   Reports From Proposal Shepherds Re: Past Proposals  (Winter 2015, Spring 2015)

2:30   Training on how to use the NB database.  (Brian Cady) 
3:35     Round Robin - Our vision for the GRP in the next 2 years.  (back by popular demand!)
3:40     Report from National Delegates
3:55      Elected Official Reports
4:15      Chapter and Town/Ward Committee Reports –
             Chapters: Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, Nashua River, Assabet River Valley,
             Greater Boston, Southcoast
             Town/Ward Committee Reports: (None Yet)
4:45     Closing Statement From Co-Chair
4:55     Round Robin
5:00     Adjourn

5:00-5:15 - help put the heavy tables and chairs away :)


Showing 11 reactions

  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2015-07-17 20:12:47 -0400
    Merelice had trouble posting, so I (joyce) am posting this for her.

    Argh! Please remind us we need to log in before commenting! I wrote a long comment which seems to have been lost. So here goes again. I’m glad to see the section about following up on past proposals by shepherds. However, I would love to see a more participatory engagement on past proposals, especially since some have seen no action. it would be good to activate or revive the two new groups of legislation and action, GASP and pipeline opposition, identifying the new districts for proportional reps, MAAPL workshops (one is being organized now), the Community Uplift Initiative, etc. I had hoped to review past proposals but didn’t get to it, so this list is based on memory only.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2015-06-25 17:27:34 -0400
    Nationbuild has a demo on the web at 2 on June 30 and July 2.
    The Party is now paying over 25/month. This one tool to help us effectively keep track of our volunteers.
  • Michael Heichman
    commented 2015-06-25 16:21:15 -0400
    I am pleased that the agenda includes reports from the annual convention and from the shepherds of previous proposals. I think that this should be a springboard to a much longer discussion on how we can move our agenda forward. Instead of a continuation of our vision for 20 minutes, let’s have an hour discussion on moving forward with our political program.

    Mike Heichman, Suffolk County
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2015-06-25 05:57:12 -0400
    Typically, requests to be recognized as a state party includes a discussion on the local activity, While numbers of locals do not equal important activity. I was concerned that my section on local activity.

    A possibly more interesting discussion might be how engaged should the Party/State Com be engaged in Federal Election Activity as opposed to possibly more effective Local Activity.
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2015-06-23 12:06:30 -0400
    Yes. The request submitted by Ian Jackson, as GRP Treasurer, has been granted, and an explanation of its usefulness is in order.
  • David Gerry
    followed this page 2015-06-22 10:55:54 -0400
  • followed this page 2015-06-22 10:55:36 -0400
  • followed this page 2015-06-22 10:55:26 -0400
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2015-06-03 19:38:38 -0400
    The Green-Rainbow Party has requested recognition as the State Party Committee of the FEC. This is formally know as AO 2015-01. Time should be set aside for an overview of the process and possible required steps. A response is expected around July 6.
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2015-04-11 12:02:55 -0400
    It was also suggested to bring back the round robin results about our vision for the next 2 years in the GRP
  • Joyce Palmer-Fortune
    commented 2015-04-11 11:41:37 -0400
    At the spring statecom meeting, it was suggested that we have some time set aside for training on how to use and update the database.