Agenda for the 2012 State Convention being held in Worcester on November 17th, 2012. Spread the word and invite others to join you on our Facebook Page. Visit the Registration Page to pay your annual membership fee and to get directions.
- Coffee & Music
9:30–9:35Welcome ~ Scott Laugenour Master of Ceremonies
9:35–10:10Presentation of a proposed platform
The Platform Committee will present their recommended platform and program of action
- Question & Answer session
10:10–10:40ALEC Documentary
United States of ALEC: How corporations and state legislators are colluding to write laws and remake America, one statehouse at a
10:40–11:35Candidates' Panel
“Think Globally, Run Locally”
- featured speaker: party co-founder Bill Strickland will speak on the need for alternate politics
- hear from our panel of candidates and elected officials on electoral opportunities in 2013-2014
- Joyce Palmer-Fortune, Select Board, Town of Whately (2009 - present)
- Scott Laugenour, 2010/2012 GRP candidate for State Representative (4th Berkshire)
Jill Stein
- 2012 Green Party candidate for President
- 2002, 2010 candidate for Governor
- 2006 candidate for Secretary of State
- 2004 candidates for State Representative
- and others!
- panel moderator: Nat Fortune
- Whately/Frontier Regional School Committees (2003 - present)
- 2010 GRP candidate for State Auditor
- 2004 GRP candidate for State Representative
11:35–12:05Party Officer Nominations
- GRP members will nominate individuals for party offices
- Nominees will address the convention
- delicious lunch included with registration fee for pre-registrants
- vegan cuisine from Belmont Vegetarian Restaurant of Worcester
- please register by NOON Friday to ensure supply
- 2012 Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Cheri Honkala
- co-founded the Kensington Welfare Rights Union
- co-founded the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
- longtime anti-foreclosure activist
- 2010 Green Party candidate for Sheriff of Philadelphia, PA
1:20–2:20Party Business & Elections
2:20–3:40Workshops & Committees
- Think Globally, Run Locally: getting involved in local government (and why you are needed)
- Climate Physics for Activists: what you need to know (and what we can do about it, as a party)
- Youth Goes Green to Change the World. Leaders: Patrick Burke, Frank Jackson, Jill Stein
- The Fight for Human Rights and Economic Justice. Leaders: Mike Heichman, Cheri Honkala, Dottie Stevens, Greg Williams
- and others in the works!
3:40–4:00Election Results & Wrap-up
Showing 4 reactions
Having Cheri Honkala as keynote speaker is a good idea but will need to be publicized. And should be confirmed as soon as possible.
Increasing the membership and strengthening working committees should be the priority of the Convention. We are on the verge of a new politics for Massachusetts and should respond to the new consciousness that is building in many parts of the Commonwealth, and in many areas of public and professional concern.
Elie Yarden