Arrival and Registration 9:00-9:30
Register, pick up name tags and documents.
Welcome Message 9:30-9:32
Presented by Greg Williams co-chair of the Greater Boston Chapter.
Opening Business 9:32-10:10
- Introductions (Name, County, Representative, Alternate or Guest, member of local chapter, member of Adcom, Working Committee(s), GPUS, etc.
- Selection of minutes taker, stacker, timekeeper, vibes-watcher, and parliamentarian for the meeting
- Verify Quorum (Seat Alternates as appropriate)
- Appointment of New StateCom Representatives and Alternates
- Approve the Agenda
- Approve minutes of previous meeting
- Set time, place, and select co-facilitators for next meeting
Presentation and ranking of proposals) 10:10-10:20
Guest Speaker 10:20-10:30
Francisco L. White who is running for Boston City Council.
Report on Hiring of GRP Administrator 10:30-10:35
Introduction of Siggy Meilus.
Treasurer's Report 10:35-10:40
Report on Survey of Chapters 10:40-10:45
Break-out Meetings 10:45-11:45
Working committees and groups.
Lunch 11:45-1:00
- A refrigerator, oven and sink are available at Tent City if you wish to bring your own lunch.
- Across the street are two restaurants
Statements by candidates for office 1:00-1:10
Committee Reports 1:10-1:35
Communications, Fundraising and Membership.
Reports from local chapters 1:35-1:50
Urgent Business 1:50-1:55
Elections 1:55-2:00
Proposals 2:00-3:00
- Expedited Round
- Regular Round
Break 3:00-3:10
Short Term Action Proposals for the GRP 3:10-4:20
End of Meeting 4:20-4:40
- Round Robin Evaluation
- Announcements
- Break down and clean up meeting space
Showing 4 reactions
Elie Yarden
Elie Yarden