Register for the GRP 2018 State Convention


Theme: The Green-Rainbow Party Responses to the Global Migration Crisis


Spend the day with like-minded individuals that demand a government that prioritizes people, planet and peace over profits. Hear from experts like Cindy Sheehan and Paul Popinchalk looking for new ways to heal military, environmental and social justice wounds. Meet the 2018 GRP Candidates that pledge to carry our values to Beacon Hill. Whether you're a GRP newbie or a committed member, join us to amplify your voice - no matter your sex, tax bracket, ethnicity, religion, origin story or sexual orientation.

Click here to see the complete speaker list and agenda

NOTE: Walk ins are welcome! Please bring cash or check for your registration fee.

A delicious vegan and vegetarian lunch is included in the registration fee.


Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

$40.00 Each: GRP Supporter Tickets

$15 of your ticket price is used to help support low income attendees

$30.00 Each: Individual Tickets

Walk away with a clear understanding of the 2018 GRP Agenda

$15.00 Each: Low Income Attendee Tickets

Opt for a party that prioritizes people, planet and peace over profits

$5.00 Each: Unemployed/No Income

Now is the time to make your voice heard and effect real political change

Showing 2 reactions

  • Manuel Pintado
    commented 2018-05-18 20:35:27 -0400
    Looking forward to a very diverse and informative Convention. We mean all people, one planet.
  • Brian Cady
    followed this page 2018-04-18 17:45:16 -0400