State Committee Meeting of January 20, 2018
(Approved by Statecom April 7, 2018)
First Community Church, Boston
565 Boylston St, Boston, MA
John Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Matt Andrews - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Roni Beal – Central Region
Brian Cady - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Brian Crawford – Western Region
Charlene DiCalogero - Central Region
Danny Factor – Western Metropolitan Region
Josh Gerloff – North Shore Region
Patrick Patterson, Alternate - North Shore Region
David Rolde - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Gretchen Clarke, applicant for Communications Directors
James Barrett Morison, active in Green Party in Florida
Robert Hanson, Party secretary applicant
Brian Cady
Charlene DiCalogero
Roni Beal
Welcome: Matt Andrews welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited attendees to participate in the Justice4Siham rally on Saturday, January 27 from noon to 2 pm at the JFK Federal Building in Boston.
Timekeeper: Brian Crawford
Vibes watcher: Elie Yarden (morning session)
Stacker: Josh Gerloff
Parliamentarian: John Andrews
Election of Alternate:
Patrick Patterson, North Shore Chapter member was seated as an Alternate by consensus.
Introductions were made for benefit of new members attending meeting.
Electing Members to State Committee:
Brian Crawford was elected as State Committee member by consensus
Approval of Meeting Agenda:
Danny requested the following amendments:
Correct chapter name from Assabet chapter to Assabet River Valley on agenda.
Add reports from city and ward committees
Add reports from GRP Elected officials in MA
Agenda approved with modifications by consensus
Spring 2018 StateCom Meeting:
Date: Option 1 – Saturday, April 7, 2018
Option 2 – Saturday, April 28, 2018 (alternate)
Location: Worcester – Friends Meetinghouse – check with Karen Sargent for availability
Co-facilitators: Brian Crawford agreed to co-facilitate the April StateCom meeting. Brian Cady or Charlene DiCalogero will contact Joyce Palmer Fortune about serving as co-facilitator at spring meeting.
Approval of Minutes:
July 8, 2017 minutes
Danny requested the following change under chapter reports for Assabet River Valley: “A total of three chapter members are elected or appointed in municipal government.”
The summer minutes were approved by consensus with amendment.
October 8, 2017 minutes
The October minutes were tabled until spring 2018 StateCom meeting.
Elect Interim Party Secretary:
Charlene made a motion to elect Roni Beal GRP secretary. StateCom approved by consensus.
Elect Diversity Representatives to AdCom:
Charlene explained diversity criteria. Matt explained responsibilities of AdCom members. Elie expressed concern with absence of diversity in StateCom. Charlene noted a variety of ways to invite new members to AdCom, such as personally contacting potential representatives. Elie offered to contact a few people. John read the bylaw about diversity criteria that includes geographic location. StateCom members are encouraged to invite people to the May State Convention.
Approve New Chapter Representatives:
Josh Gerloff was appointed as North Shore Chapter representative to AdCom by consensus.
Appoint Members to GPUS Committees:
Officer Reports:
Co-chair Report
Matt reported the interview process for new Party secretary, fundraiser and communications directors, including separate email blasts seeking applicants. He has been conducting phone interviews with applicants. He spoke with Gretchen Clarke regarding the Communications Director position. There were good responses to the email blasts. Most applicants are GRP or Independent voters.
Brian sent an email attachment of Treasurer’s Fourth Quarter Report (1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017) to StateCom members prior to the meeting. He also provided copies of the report at StateCom meeting. Brian reported:
State, Federal and PayPal total - $10,898.12
Year to date sum of deposits - $8,409.52
Sum of withdrawals - $6,072.71 .
Brian filed OPCF report prior to deadline. Merelice name will remain permanently as first contact and current and future treasurers must be added as a second user on the account. Danny noted that Merelice’s name can be removed by providing a copy of the death certificate to PayPal and offered to help with this procedure. Brian noted that the report reflects refunded donations that were made in 2017.
There is an OPCF restriction of $500 per person donation for PACs and $1,000 limit for each candidate. Brian will obtain clarification about $1,000 limit for a Party. Danny reported that the Secretary of State’s office considers a political designation as a PAC. There are questions about limitations which must be pursued for clarification. John reported that states cannot impose restraints on political parties. Danny made a motion to add OPCF limits to AdCom’s agenda for further discussion and ideas. Danny’s motion was approved by consensus.
Candidate Development & Legal Committee (CDLC):
Charlene reported a busy and successful year. There were four actives CDLC members in 2017. The members are: Nat Fortune and Maureen Doyle (CCC representative) along with co-chairs, Charlene DiCalogero and John Andrews. CDLC had 12 candidates run in 13 elections, all local seats. Charlene emphasized the importance of registering as “J” voter. There were two legislative races – Ian Jackson and Charlene DiCalogero and three city council candidates. Charlene noted good media coverage of her campaign. Two CDLC workshops were held at the 2017 state convention. See website for details.
Charlene noted that it is difficult to obtain political designation from candidates. Danny made a motion not to count elected GRP candidates until their political designation is confirmed.
Votes: 6 yes votes to confirm J designation of candidates
Opposed: 5
Abstain: 0
Motion passed with majority vote.
State Convention Committee Report:
Roni reported that payment is enroute to reserve the First Unitarian Church for May 26, 2018 state convention. She welcomed StateCom to members to join the convention planning committee and to make suggestions regarding convention theme, speakers and workshops.
Josh distributed copies of updated membership brochures to StateCom members. He demonstrated how to download QR code into Smartphone. QR links to website, pictures, etc. Josh asked for input from StateCom members and approval for links and to send suggestions to him by February 1st. Josh will send an email to StateCom with reply email address.
Charlene recommended a contact in Western MA regarding language in flyer. She also recommended that permission be sought to use pictures of people featured in flyer.
Membership has been researching print shops and embroiderers to replenish our material supply. Danny noted, to ensure “no animal products were used in producing this merchandise”. Josh reported that only organic materials used in t-shirts. Danny inquired about GRP merchandise and winter hats with green pom-poms.
Platform Committee:
Not active
GPUS report:
John reported no urgent news.
Elie reported this is the season for amendments. The GPUS Platform Committee is working on amendments and will notify StateCom. He added that the process is not fully in place. No more amendments can be submitted to GPUS at this time.
Danny inquired if all three proposals were added to agenda. Charlene responded that the intention is to include third proposal.
Tech Com:
Brian Cady reported recent problems with NationBuilder updating their software. Further work is required – Brian will update the theme. He noted that the email list is a separate issue. David Gerry is working on the email list (H2 hosting). Brian Crawford offered to help with technical issues.
Elie noted that NationBuilder was not designed for GRP. He added that NationBuilder is a restrictive service. Danny suggested that Brian Cady, Brian Crawford and David Gerry form a Tech Committee. Privacy issues were raised by Danny – check with NationBuilder policy regarding privacy. Matt expressed need for a webmaster to oversee GRP website. Matt mentioned other alternatives to NationBuilder such as Open Source. He added that we should maximize the usage of NationBuilder. Please forward suggestions to Brian Cady and David Gerry and see Brian Cady about signing up to help.
Candidates for Party Secretary:
Matt reported that six people responded to the email blast for secretary position. He interviewed Lloyd Hart from Martha’s Vineyard and Sally Laporte from Worcester. Sally has some experience taking minutes; however she has conflicts with attending weekend meetings. Hal Brown opted out due to secretary responsibilities with the North Shore chapter. Matt had a brief conversation with applicant, Efrain Arias. Robert Hansen from Boston is new to politics and has experience as a former reporter. Matt is arranging a phone interview with Zach (last name unknown at meeting time). Matt is not prepared to nominate any of the applicants.
Charlene suggested that candidates be invited to the April StateCom meeting and take notes and ask questions. John suggested that applicants be asked to take minutes for an AdCom meeting with back-up minutes from current secretary. Danny noted that officer terms end on May 26 and he would like AdCom to focus on who will run for office in May. Gretchen Clarke suggested picking a small project for each candidate. Matt will follow up with applicants.
James Barrett Morison inquired what will happen next if applicants do not fill open position. Matt noted that AdCom would address whether or not to send more email blasts.
Fundraiser Director:
Matt notified StateCom that Gretchen would be leaving meeting soon. Gretchen has a background in communications, but not with NationBuilder. She also has experience in social media. Matt reported that Lloyd Hart (secretary applicant) responded to the communications email blast. A few other applicants responded as well. Gretchen noted that more than one person could fill the position. Danny commented that a communications committee will work on content and a committee can operate without a director. Matt reported that recent email blast was written for a fundraiser. Charlene noted that the fundraiser and communications functions overlap. Technically, the responses were directed to the fundraiser job. Brian Cady noted that chapter suggestions are welcome regarding communications.
John suggested creating a list of tasks that require immediate attention and request for volunteers within the Party for help. Matt commented that we need a person to focus on social media and share. Another skill set is traditional news. A third position is NationBuilder tasks. One person is unlikely to have all three skill sets.
Elie commented that a communication committee requires leadership. Gretchen added that social media and brochures are not separate projects. A well rounded communications director is able to manage all aspects of communication. Gretchen offered to help Josh with membership brochures.
Break for lunch at 12:10 pm. Resume meeting at 12:50 pm.
Chapter Reports:
Greater Boston Chapter (GBC):
Elie reported no women were in attendance at recent GBC meeting. Jill Stein and Jamie McLaughlin are co-chairs of GBC. New officers have been elected for the chapter. Members are involved in the May Day coalition – DACA and International Women’s Day forum. A film series is being hosted at Community Church on February 13. (3rd Thursday of month)
Assabet River Valley Chapter (ARVC):
Danny reported four core members are active in the chapter. Tar Larner is a member of Concord Housing Authority. The chapter advocates for people who have disabilities, regarding physical access and mental disabilities. Danny is running for the open seat for state representative in his district.
North Shore Chapter (NSC):
Josh reported members have volunteered to serve on chapter committees. They are working on outreach in the Haverhill area.
Central Mass Green-Rainbow Chapter (CMGRC):
Charlene reported that a new chapter member is running for state representative. Charlene also reported that her campaign highlighted some positive results with media coverage and stand-outs. CMGRC plans to hold a meeting in Worcester with a guest speaker to attract new members.
Pioneer Valley Chapter (PVC):
No report – no representative attended meeting.
Ward Committee (Boston):
Ralph Walton reported that the Ward Committee put the City Committee on the map. Brian Cady received F, J and G voter rolls and will use the data-base to invite people to City Committee.
Urgent and Old Business:
Danny reported that a political party must earn 3 percent of the vote to maintain party status. State auditor, state treasurer, secretary of state are examples of positions that will garner 3 percent of the vote. David Rolde reported difficulty in obtaining 3 percent during a presidential election. John and Danny are recruiting candidates to run for office as GRP. 5,000 signatures are required for state officer positions. Federal and State papers will be available on February 13 and the last date to submit for statewide is around mid July. May 8th is deadline to submit petitions to town or city clerks.
Charlene reported that the odds are that someone we already know is the best bet to run for state auditor and this is an opportunity to attain 3 percent of vote. This would be a low budget campaign. Everyone who is Green should be asked to collect signatures – all chapters, email blasts, whatever it takes. This would not be a stealth campaign. David Rolde reported that Jed Stamas is interested in running for office. Danny offered to help CDLC with recruiting. David Rolde will forward Jed’s info to John and Danny.
Danny is not interested in supporting the US Senate seat. The focus should be on state auditor, secretary of state (SoS) and treasurer which are the best option for GRP. John added that StateCom should talk about issues that SoS, auditor, treasurer can address. We are capable of collecting 9,000 signatures. Candidates must be up-to-date with issues. Many votes come from people who are looking for a Party outside of Democratic and Republican Parties. Elie recommended Nat Fortune as a candidate. Brian Crawford commented that Democrats will work to get a Democrat as governor. Best candidate is someone who has elected office experience. Concentration should be on local candidates who can be promoted to higher officer. Matt, suggested that Jill Stein would be best person to approach a person to run for office.
Charlene recommended that Senate candidates contact CDLC. Danny asked for volunteers to help with recruitment. David agrees that we need experienced candidates. David and Josh volunteered to help John and Danny with recruitment.
Danny made a motion to ask CDLC to form an AdHoc Committee to establish a recruitment group that consists of John Andrews, Danny Factor, David Rolde and Josh Gerloff. The motion was approved by StateCom by consensus.
Brian Crawford presented StateCom with budget line items that were previously emailed to AdCom. There is no historical data to show inventory items that were sold by membership in past years. Danny noted that past budgets were separated by budget A and budget B. Danny asked if $4,000 was based on last year. Brian reported data comes from the past two years. There is an average of 60 people in attendance at state convention who paid $30 each. Danny inquired if the budget could be based on $6,000 to allow for membership merchandise purchases. Brian responded that the current budget is based on a deficit that can be covered.
Elie suggested the budget be planned on $600 for membership. Elie made a motion to approve $600 for membership. Josh requested $700 for membership for hats, beanies, hoodies, totes, etc. Josh bases purchases on bare minimum orders of 24.
Matt suggested that membership have their own budget. He agrees with Brian about breaking even with budget. Danny asked to amend Elie’s motion to $1,000 and replenish tee shirts, contingent on sales. Elie ordered two bundles of GPUS “Green Pages” a newsprint publication that he volunteered to purchase with his own funds. Brian Crawford asked Elie for details for reporting purposes. Elie clarified that his purchase is a personal purchase and not an in-kind donation and should not be reported to OPCF.
John supports increasing the membership budget to $1,000 and asked Elie if would amend his motion from $600 to $1,000. Elie accepted the friendly amendment. $1,000 will be designated for merchandise. The membership brochure is separate expense.
Brian Cady called for a straw poll on membership budget increase to $1,000:
Yes: 9
No: 1
Abstain: 0
No concerns about amendment to budget.
Brian Crawford reported the Candidate fund is $565. David Rolde noted that the Party would attract more diversity if we offer child care services and parking. There is $500 in the Participation fund. Charlene requested clarification about the Participation line item. Danny explained that if anyone who needs financial assistance to participate in meetings can make request to AdCom.
Brian Cady asked if there were any concerns with the amended budget. There were no concerns. Amendment to budget was approved by consensus.
Proposal 1 - Telecon Meetings:
John presented his proposal to modify the Standing Rules of StateCom to specify how telecon meetings will be scheduled and managed. Copies of the proposal were distributed to StateCom members. Brian called for a straw poll for the Telecon Meeting proposal.
Straw poll:
Vote: 9
No: 1
Abstain: 0
Not present to vote: 1
Charlene questioned part D of the proposal regarding waiting 10 days (per bylaw) to reschedule the meeting. Danny suggested changing the bylaw to 7 day waiting period. Elie supports the proposal because it addresses the urgency to meet. Brian Crawford recommended changing spelling from telecom to telecon. David Rolde proposed that bylaws cover telecon calls. Charlene explained that telecon meeting’s purpose is to cover issues remaining from regular StateCom meetings and are not categorized as Special or Emergency StateCom meetings.
Brian called for a motion to pass the proposal as amended. StateCom members voted to approve by consensus.
5 Minute Break
Proposal 2 – Membership Dues for 2018:
Matt Andrews presented his proposal regarding membership dues to raise money and recruit committed members.
Elie requested that membership cards be issued to contributors. Danny inquired about other contributions made by members, such as monthly contributions, convention registration. Charlene requested that a sliding scale be applied to options. She suggested a friendly amendment to name donors as contributing members. If a person is registered GRP and does not pay dues, would they would be offered a waiver? Would people who do not pay dues be a voting member? Matt there is no mention in the proposal that registered Greens who do not contribute would be prevented from voting at state convention. Brian Crawford offered that we provide a digital membership card. He added that incentives could be donating $10 – pen, $20 – tote bag, etc.
David Rolde supports sliding scale for memberships. He disagrees with paying dues to be a GRP member. Elie noted that most GRP voters do not have time to be a chapter member, but would be glad to make a contribution and receive a membership card. John reported that the bylaws may not be consistent with the voting laws. Let membership address membership card and gifts (tee shirts, etc). State convention contributions are considered dues and the person is automatically a member.
Danny recommended amendments to the proposal: – under test of proposal AdCom will set dues for 2018 by sliding fee scale. Delete - members is in good standing. Any contribution to GRP will go toward dues and apply to attending state convention. Amendment - Any contribution a member makes to GRP will first go toward fulfilling the dues requirement. Matt noted that the donor must state if contribution goes toward dues. A distinction must be made by someone making a contribution vs. paying dues. Roni noted that contributions for dues made throughout the year would be difficult to track for convention headcount.
Straw poll supporting membership dues proposal:
Yes – 10
No – 1
Abstain: 2
Brian Cady asked for concerns. David reported that the proposal is not changing the bylaws, that members are still a member even they do not pay dues. David approved amendments and the proposal was adopted by consensus.
Schedule Telecon Meeting:
First suggestion, March 4 (Sunday) 7 pm – 8 yes votes
March 5 (Monday) – 7 pm – 8 yes votes
March 7 (Wednesday) – 7 pm - 9 yes votes
StateCom telecon meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2018 at 7 pm.
Elie announced the GPUS Steering Committee seeks approval to send minutes to StateCom. StateCom approved receiving minutes by consensus.
Proposal 3 – Motions from the Floor/Facilitation Review:
This proposal clarifies the handling of motions from the floor and specifies how a decision of the facilitators may be reviewed. Copies of the proposal were distributed to members. John described the purpose of the proposal which addresses standing rules and how they will resolve issues that can arise at StateCom meetings.
Straw poll on proposal 3:
Vote Part A:
Yes – 10
No – 2
Abstain: 0
Vote Part B
Yes – 11
No – 1
Abstain: 0
Danny co-sponsored this proposal that is a mid-way check and balance and includes democracy and trust in facilitators. Opposition to the proposal was discussed. Matt expressed frustration with increase in rules, especially for new members who are eager to be involved in the Party.
Charlene encouraged members to send feedback via email about the proposal.
Round robin:
Danny Factor thanked everyone for their time and patience.
Patrick Patterson compared consensus with Roberts Rules. He recommended the consensus procedure be published.
Josh Gerloff enjoyed meeting and progress.
Matt Andrews is still frustrated with time spent on procedures. He was happy that two proposals were approved. He expressed disappointment that Darlene could not attend meeting because of lack of parking.
John Andrews noted that StateCom is a legislative body not a state body and concentrates on changes to rules and bylaws. Work should be done by committees, not micromanaged by StateCom.
Brian Crawford is looking forward to being a co-facilitator at April StateCom meeting.
David Rolde noted it was a terrible meeting and he was not pleased that his proposal about military budget was not addressed. David wants to see more diversity at meetings. He is an advocate of rules.
Brian Cady thought meeting was okay
Charlene DiCalogero noted that she learned more about co-facilitating and thanked Brian for his efforts in organizing the meeting. A great deal was accomplished along with a broad range of business.
Roni Beal talked about a sixth extinction on planet Earth and Green-Rainbow addressing environmental issues. She noted there have been five extinctions on the planet and a sixth extinction is probable with current human activity and increased pollution. (Recommended reading, “The Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert).
Charlene asked Danny to publicize Participation fund description to inform people that help is available.
Brian made a motion to adjoin:
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm
PROPOSAL: Telecon Meetings of StateCom
[As adopted by State Committee on 1/20/18]
TITLE: Telecon Meetings of StateCom
SPONSORS: John Andrews, Roni Beal
SHEPHERD: John Andrews
SUMMARY: This proposal modifies the Standing Rules of StateCom to specify how telecom meetings will be scheduled and managed.
StateCom has decided to have a telecom meeting in between each regular meeting. However the procedures for holding a telecon meeting have never been clearly defined. It is not advisable and not practical to apply all the procedures that are used for face-to-face meetings. This proposal adds appropriate language to the Standing Rules to ensure that telecom meetings can be properly planned and conducted.
The following text shall be integrated into the Standing Rules of State Committee:
Telecon Meetings
a) At each regular StateCom meeting, a motion will be entertained to set a date for a telecom meeting before the next quarterly regular StateCom meeting. The purposes of this telecom meeting shall be to complete business left over from the previous business meeting, to exercise routine StateCom duties such as making appointments to vacancies in officer positions or committees, to approve state convention plans, to take final action on proposals discussed at the previous business meeting, and to take timely legal actions.
The co-chairs may approve additional agenda items to be taken up as urgent business or as “advisory discussions”. “Urgent” means that the item cannot be delayed to the next regular business meeting without doing clear harm to the Party. An “advisory discussion” does not make official decisions but allows StateCom to provide guidance regarding a question.
New proposals, not discussed at the previous business meeting, shall not be placed on the agenda of the telecom meeting unless they are classified by the facilitators as “urgent business”.
There is no “proposal ranking” process such as that associated with proposals to the regular business meetings - the facilitators determine the order in which items are addressed.
b) The facilitators of the preceding regular business meeting will be the facilitators for the telecom meeting unless they withdraw or unless StateCom appoints new facilitators at their regular meeting. The GRP Co-chairs shall make appointments to fill vacancies in the co-facilitator positions, including replacing a co-facilitator who fails to call in to the telecon.
c) A requirement in these Standing Rules that notice be given to StateCom may be satisfied by sending an email to the State Committee business list. However if this list is nonfunctional for some reason, the notice may be mailed directly to all the member email addresses listed in the Secretary’s official list of State Committee members.
d) The facilitators shall send out an email notice of the telecom date and time immediately after the StateCom regular meeting that set the date. A reminder notice with an agenda shall be sent out prior to the meeting. If both facilitators agree that the planned meeting date is infeasible, they may set a new date. Note that the advance notice specified in the GRP bylaws must be observed but the notice time does not apply to reconvening a paused meeting.
e) The sections of the Standing Rules that govern regular business meetings shall also govern telecom meetings with the following special stipulations:
1) The standard agenda need not be followed.
2) All votes shall be by roll call of all members who have declared themselves to be present. At the end of the roll call, the facilitators shall ask “Is there any member present whose name was not called?” Such persons shall then be permitted to vote.
3) The required quorum shall be the same as the quorum for the previous business meeting unless the Secretary provides the facilitators with a new quorum number. The existence of a quorum for any vote shall be determined by the total votes cast. To allow a proper tabulation, all members present should vote either “aye”, “nay” or “abstain” during the roll call.
4) If technical difficulties prevent the meeting from continuing, the facilitators shall adjourn the meeting. After consultation with the co-chairs they shall either reschedule the meeting (providing as much notice as possible) or send out notice that all further business will be postponed to the next regular quarterly meeting.
The approved text shall be integrated into the Standing Rules of State Committee
[1] Standing Rules of State Committee (as downloaded 1/10/18)
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