2019 Annual Dues - Green-Rainbow Party
2019 Annual Dues allow us to pay for meeting venues, support worthy candidates and keep members informed on key issues impacting citizens, peace efforts and our planet.
The various levels are
$40/year Supporter
$20/year General
$10/year Student
$5/year Low-Income
This is a one-time payment - Not an automatically recurring charge.
Please note: by party policy, we don't accept contributions from state or federal registered lobbyists, no matter what the issue. We want you to be sure that when we speak, we speak for the people of Massachusetts — not for special interests seeking sweetheart deals. Our support comes from you.
Also, if you are not a citizen or permanent resident we cannot legally accept a contribution, but we still welcome your membership application and participation outside of voting in our primaries. If you cannot pay dues for any reason but wish to join, please contact us for a waiver.
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