2020 Spring State Committee RSVP

This is our reorganizing meeting followed immediately by our regular quarterly State Committee meeting. 

If you are a State Committee member, please remember to put this event on your calendar, RSVP here, submit proposals with a co-sponsor four weeks prior, comment up to 72 hours prior, and come prepared to share information and build consensus decisions together.  Thank you!

The Common St Spiritual Center is wheelchair accessible, and can reached by public transportation from the Natick Center commuter rail stop on the Framingham/Worcester line (the walk from here is about 3 blocks/7 mins.  Please let us know if you'd like to be picked up by a volunteer for the final leg of the trip). The building has parking space available, and additional parking is available on-street, but may be metered.

We are meeting in a room on the lower level. If you need to use the ramp and elevator from the main level to get to the lower level, please be as quiet as possible when entering and exiting the building--services will be going on at least in the morning. Thank you!

  • April 05, 2020 at 9:00am – 4:30pm
  • Common St Spiritual Center, Natick MA
    13 Common St
    Natick, MA 01760
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 2 people are going
  • Charlene DiCalogero
Matthew Andrews Charlene Dicalogero

Who's RSVPing

Matthew Andrews
Charlene Dicalogero

Will you come?

Showing 3 reactions

  • Matthew Andrews
    rsvped 2020-03-03 23:03:04 -0500
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2020-03-02 11:06:57 -0500
    The only difficulty I have is with the timing of the notice. It leaves a very small window — 3 days fir the submission of proposals — and encourages the submission of proposals by individuals rather than groups such as local chapters or committees. The political consequences of this are not pretty to behold. Personal agendas are given far more consideration than politically Green-Rainbow ideas. Of course I expect to be there. Hopefully with something to offer.
  • Charlene Dicalogero
    rsvped 2020-03-01 23:14:40 -0500