
Please enter proposals for 2020 Spring Statecom meeting below (subject to taking up Winter 2020 StateCom proposals not addressed at that meeting).

Key Dates

  • March 8, 2020 11:59 PM Proposals Deadline (four weeks before meeting).
  •  April TBD  09:00 AM: Comments and Vetting close 
  •  April TBD  09:00 AM: Amendments Due
  •  April TBD 09:00 PM: Rankings Close

Please enter, below, your proposals, including'


  • TITLE: [Provide a short, descriptive title for the proposal.]
  • SPONSORS: [List the sponsors of the proposal. Proposals must be sponsored by two StateCom members or a local chapter.]
  • VETTING COMMITTEES: [List the working committees that the sponsor feels are relevant to the vetting of this proposal.]
  • FLOOR MANAGER: [List the name and contact information for one person who will manage the process for this proposal. This person will be the single point of contact for receiving comments on the proposal and providing decisions such as whether to accept a friendly amendment. They must be in attendance at the StateCom meeting when the proposal is under consideration.]
  • SHEPHERD: List one person who will serve as “shepherd” to monitor the implementation of the proposal after it is adopted.
  • SUMMARY: [Provide a short (40 word) summary of the purpose and implications of the proposal.]
  • BACKGROUND: [Provide the basic background on the proposal. What will it accomplish? Why is it written with these particular provisions? Is it critical that it be adopted?]
  • TEXT OF PROPOSAL: [Provide the exact text that will be implemented if StateCom adopts the proposal. If funds are being appropriated, specify that here. Note that text that appears elsewhere in the proposal will NOT be officially adopted when StateCom votes on the proposal.]
  • IMPLEMENTATION: [List the persons or committees that must act to implement the proposal. What do they have to do and what are their deadlines for action? This helps StateCom assess whether the party has the staff and volunteer resources to implement the proposal. It also alerts those persons who will be asked to act if the proposal is adopted. ]]
  • FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: [Describe the impacts on GRP budgeting that are expected from this proposal. Estimate total expenses or income expected from adoption of the proposal. If this proposal will be funded through an item that it already in the GRP budget, so note. Note that any appropriation required by this proposal must be included in the TEXT OF PROPOSAL section.]
  • REFERENCES AND ATTACHMENTS: [Provide references (with hyperlinks if possible) that assist StateCom in understanding and evaluating the proposal. Attach any additional explanatory information here as numbered attachment sections.]

Enter the Proposal Header and Preamble here:

Membership Dues Implementation Policy

SPONSORS: Matthew Andrews, Fundraising and Finance Committee

VETTING COMMITTEES: Fundraising and Finance Committee; Membership Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committee

FLOOR MANAGER: Matthew Andrews

SHEPHERD: Matthew Andrews

SUMMARY: Update the 2018 Membership Dues policy to improve implementation and reach our financial goals.

BACKGROUND: The Membership Dues policy for 2018 and 2019 has not been implemented beyond our core membership, most of whom already donate to the GRP. Consequently, the dues policy has failed to raise significant new money and our budget for 2020 faces a $6,000 deficet. Each member who is able to pay ought to take some responsibility for the financial health of the party. In order to expand our dues program, it must be integrated into the work and culture of our party at every level.

TEXT OF PROPOSAL: As of June 2020 the dues scale shall be updated to $50/year Supporter, $35/year General, $20/year Student, $10/year Low Income. The waiver option for hardship or the legally restricted shall remain in effect. Chapters shall be responsible for making the current Annual Dues form available at all events where we are legally allowed to collect money, and asking people to pay dues as part of the enrollment of new members. Chapters should entrust their local Secretary and/or Treasurer with collecting this money, recording it, and passing it along to the GRP Treasurer. Efforts to collect dues and their results should be included in quarterly chapter reports to StateCom. The Treasurer shall include dues collection in his or her quarterly report to StateCom. The report shall include the total number of dues paying members over the past year, and other trends such as whether collection is going up or down. The Secretary and Treasurer should collaborate to ensure that dues are recorded in our membership database and that an automated renewal reminder email is sent after a year. The Fundraising and Finance Committee shall set a goal for the number of dues paying members and the amount of money to be raised by dues, along with a compelling explanation of why it is necessary, and a breakdown of where they expect the dues to be collected. This plan will be submitted to AdCom for final approval and relevant parts sent to chapters and working committees for implementation. The Membership Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committee will establish a protocol and message for soliciting dues at chapter meetings or other in person events. This plan will be submitted to AdCom for final approval and sent to chapters for implementation.

IMPLEMENTATION: As outlined in the text of the proposal, this policy will require participation from the Secretary, Treasurer, chapters, AdCom, Fundraising and Finance Committee, and the Membership Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committee.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The additional expenses will be minimal. This proposal is about including a dues collection message in the work that we already do. If we can get 100 people to pay $25 on average, that will raise $2,500.

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Proposal to Reprioritize US Military Spending

PROPOSAL NAME:        Reprioritization of US Military Spending
VETTING COMMITTEES:       MDVR, Adcom, Communications
FLOOR MANAGER:    John Blumenstiel,  email: [email protected],  PH:  781-784-3601
SHEPHERD:  John Blumenstiel
SUMMARY:    This proposal is intended to replace our current webpage statement re: Eliminating the US Military. I believe the goals are consistent, but needs further elaboration, refinement and detail. This new proposal addresses these issues.
BACKGROUND:    The current proposal lacks detail re: the means of reducing and to what ends the funds would be utilized.  The statement of reducing the funding to zero, minus some general sense of means and direction, comes across as naive.  It does not present the party as a pragmatic, thoughtful organization.  I believe that the rewritten proposal as offered accomplishes the following: 1) Improved formatting, easier to read. 2) Provides increased detail re: the destructive outcomes of funding the US military. 3) Provides a general framework for how the funds would be repriortized to peace, justice and stability activities. 4) Provides a more extensive  statement re: the positive national and global outcomes of a US reprioritization of military spending.
Accomplishment:  People reading the revised statement will be more inclined to view the GRP as a thoughtful, reasonable and articulate organization willing to promote serious proposals that will have major positive impact in the world. This should enhance the likelihood of increasing our membership  and building our power for change in the electoral process.
Criticalness:  With the incredibly fluid current US political scene and with perhaps millions of individuals feeling adrift in the political world, NOW is the time to make our presence known and viewed seriously in addressing the global crisis exacerbated by the US military.
A Proposal to Address US Military Spending
Whereas the spending on the US  military consumes 60% of our national discretionary spending,
Whereas the US spends 3.5 times as much on military spending as China , the second largest military budget in the world  and 10 times more than Russia, or more than the next 10 countries put together,
Whereas the US military is the largest global institutional producer of greenhouse gases, 
Whereas the the US military creates a massive, transcontinental toxic footprint through its vast array ( 800+) military bases throughout the world, 
Whereas additional revenues to the US treasury are expended in various other governmental agencies ( Department  of Energy, Veterans Affairs, State Department and  Department of Homeland Security, among others) not transparently classified as "military spending" but nevertheless going to the Military Industrial Complex,
Whereas, with bipartisan support, these funds are increased year after year with minimal over site and no public debate,
Whereas, these funds are not utilized in the defense of the US homeland but rather are utilized as the tool for advancing global empire,
Whereas, the US utilizes these funds for overt and covert political, economic and military intrusion throughout the world for the economic benefit of US and global corporations and, 
Whereas, these ongoing  intrusions have led to death, harm and destitution of millions of our fellow human beings globally while undermining the health, well-being  and security of our own citizenry, 
It is the goal of the GRP that while  retaining the ability to effectively defend our geographical boundaries and sovereignty to defund all offensive military weapons, weapon systems and interventions;  undertake a rapid closing of overseas bases and withdrawal of all overt and covert military personnel from foreign nations; reallocate a minimum of 50% of the present military budget to international diplomacy, non-hostile foreign relations and meeting the human needs of our present population while using the remainder as a means of disassembling weapons systems,  including nuclear and non-nuclear, retraining,  job development, and investment in the failing US physical and social infrastructure providing employment for transitioned out military personnel as well as the general population. Additionally we oppose all sales of weapons and weapons systems to the global community. We further call for a program of reparations to rebuild economies, physical infrastructure, personal lives as well as the land itself of those countries victimized  by US aggression. Lastly, we demand that all veterans who have suffered enormously, physically, psychologically  and spiritually  by our country's perpetual wars receive all care appropriate to their needs, in a timely manner, through a fully publicly funded single payer healthcare system.
The rebuilding of our needed infrastructure and  the reorientation of our economy to meet human needs, will strengthen our country, benefit our citizens and provide by example a path to a global community committed to peace and justice.
This must be a transformational  process by which all offensive weapons, objectives  and personnel of the US military will be re-purposed for the enhancement of peace and security within our borders as well as globally. The world and human survival can no longer tolerate a US foreign policy of intervention, repression and denial of the right to self determination by the collective peoples of the world. The soverienty of all nations must be respected. The economic, intellectual and collective energy of the US must be redirected towards human advancement and universal security for all.
History has shown that we have squandered inestimable resources and ruined countless lives in our destructive desire to control rather than cooperate with all to bring about a world order that values People, Planet and Peace over profit and individual wealth.
It is time to close this tragic chapter of our history.  It is time to reorganize our priorities, our underlying thinking and create a future committed to not just survival, but to a thriving global environment for the mutual benefit of all living inhabitants, human and non-human.
IMPLEMENTATION:     John Blumenstiel will oversee the implementation process 1) Identify persons with ability and authority to edit our webpage and work with them to accomplish this. 2) Time frame: ASAP once approved.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS:   None, other than the possibility of increasing membership and thus dues.
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2020 Outreach Event Funding Proposal.

Sponsor: John Blumenstiel

Vetting Committees: To Be: Membership/MDVC, Adcom

Floor Manager: John Blumenstiel

Shephard: John Blumenstiel

Summary: -The purpose of this line item is to provide funds to support local chapter participation in larger, major regional rallies/demonstrations/speak outs or teach-ins/concerts, etc.( to be determined by the local chapters involved). for informing the public about our party.

Background: Proposal text: Implementation: The following is a request from MDVR. It was inadvertently left out of the original MDEEVC request filed with StateCom. These funds are to be utilized at the local chapter's discretion and for the purpose of increasing statewide exposure to the MASS GRP. The notion would be to support 3 major events ( eastern Ma, central Ma and western Ma.) . In addition to the regional event(s) supported by these funds, it would be hoped that with sufficient advance planning and awareness throughout the state, that statewide members would plan to support the chosen events with their attendance and volunteer support for the local chapters.

-By state-level funding for local chapters, we act to reinforce the statewide nature of the party, hopefully to build increased communication among the chapters and statewide membership.

-By including these funds in a statewide, annual budget we enhance advanced planning for events and thus increase the potential of increased effectiveness. Financial Implications: $1,000 cost to be evenly distributed statewide. References and Attachments:

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Protocol for annual goal-setting, plan-setting, and budget-setting process.

Sponsor/Shephard/Floor Manager: Brian Cady [email protected] 617-943-2853

Co-Sponsor: Elie Yarden

Vetting Committees: To be: Finance and Fundraising Comm. Adcom

Summary: Annual budgeting should be guided by, and fundraising informed by, an annual plan of action, which should pursue agreed-upon, stated goals. Goals -> Plan -> Budget & Fundraising. Below are sketched a schedule of steps to annually build goals, a plan and a budget, and to guide fundraising.

1. Background: Proposed Process: Overview:

A. The elected Co-chairs select potential goals, and propose a plan to get there – They have been elected by the annual convention. and represent it, which gives them authority.
B. Fall Statecomm agrees to, or modifies, those goals.
C. Working committees and Chapters review the plan, in light of the goals, and suggest plan changes.
D. Then Adcom collects and assembles a revised plan, and return these to chapters and working committees.
E. Working Committees and Chapters use goals and plan to make working committee and Chapter budget proposals.
F. Then FinFundComm assembles the various budget proposals into an annual budget,
G. Adcom sequences budget-line items by priority into a prioritized proposed budget.
H. Winter Statecom addresses this proposed budget and passes a budget.

2. Text of proposal & Implementation: Protocol for Annual Goals, Plan, Fundraising and Budget – Proposed Schedule:

Early-Sept: Co-chairs proposes next year’s goals, & plan; prepare goals for Fall Statecom.
Mid-Sept: Statecom selects & approves annual goals. **Goals Done**.
Early-Oct: Adcom asks Working committees, local chapters to review, & comment on annual plan.
Late-Oct: Adcom revises, plan, returns to working committees. **Plan Done**.
Early-Nov: Working Comittees respond to revised goals & plan with Committee budgets.
Mid-Nov: Adcom receives plan and committee budgets, conveys budgets to FinFundComm.
Early Dec: FinFundcomm assembles, from Committee budgets, the next year’s budget.
Late-Dec: Adcom receives and reviews plan and budget, & sequences budget items by priority.
Early-Jan: 1st Statecom meeting of the year addresses the year’s plan and the year’s budget. **Budget Done**.
Mid-Jan: FinFundComm begins Spring Fundraising, with mailing/dialing.
Early-Feb: Donors receive Spring Fundraising Appeal mailing.
March: Donations/Pledges received. **Fundraising Done**.

Financial Implications: Vary by year, goals, plan, budget & fundraising success.



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