As we begin the new year in anticipation of recruiting candidates for state-wide office and running successful campaigns, we are well aware of the daunting problems that face all of humanity and the need for reality-based policies to address them.
From the mishandling of the COVID pandemic to the climate emergency, the increasing threat of militarism and nuclear war to the frightening prospect of the US extraditing a foreign journalist to the US to stand trial for espionage for revealing US war crimes and political corruption, it's clear we are headed in the wrong direction.
At the state level, we are fighting gas pipeline expansion and attempting to move a single-payer healthcare bill out of committee to be voted on in the legislature among many other issues that affect our quality of life.
The Green Party's Green New Deal is the real deal that is needed to put us on the path to a sustainable future. We heard a lot of talk emanating from COP 26, but little to no meaningful action to back it up leaving the people of the world in an extremely precarious climate situation.
Greens are needed more than ever in governmental bodies and leadership
positions to bring about the necessary policy changes that are required to create a commonwealth, country, and planet that makes it possible for life to both continue and thrive into the future. We must make the case to the public at large that voting Green-Rainbow is in their and their loved ones' best interests. Because it is.
Lois Gagnon, Co-Chair
Rick Purcell, Co-Chair
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