2022 Third Spring Meeting Minutes

Spring StateCom – Session 3  Draft Minutes

SUN. May 22nd, 5 p.m. - 8- p.m.

Co-Facilitators: Danny Factor, Eileen Wheeler Sheehan

In attendance:  Eileen Wheeler Sheehan, Danny Factor, Elizabeth Humphrey, Charlene DiCalogero, Elie Yarden (A), Lois Gagnon, Roni Beal, David Keil (left at 7:30 pm), David Spanagel (left at 6:30 pm), Brian Cady, Jonathon Cook (A), Jamie Guerin, John Andrews, Maureen Doyle, Jamie McLaughlin (O)

5:00 p.m.      Call To Order/ Take Attendance/ Establish Quorum

Quorum achieved. Alternates (A) seated. Observers (O) tallied

5:10 p.m.      Seat State Com Alternates: Elie Yarden and Jonathan Cook

5:15 p.m.      Announce/Confirm Selection of Stacker, Notetaker, Vibes watcher

Stacker: Eileen, Facilitator: Danny, Notetaker: Maureen, Vibes watcher: Jamie G., Parliamentarian: John A.

5:20 p.m. Approve Agenda: Danny requested to add a 5-minute break at 6:30 p.m. Lois questioned the amount of time on the agenda allowed for the discussion of the former GBC; Jamie M. seconded that. There was much discussion of this. Ultimately, it was decided to keep the allotted space on the agenda but members should make a concerted effort to make the length of time shorter.

The agenda was approved by consensus (with the addition of a break)

5:30 p.m. Report from Election Working Group

David S. talked about having a few meetings so far, the next one being planned for Tuesday, May 31, 2022. He stressed that right now “all hands are needed on deck” to collect signatures for our statewide candidates, Gloria Caballero Roca and Juan Sanchez. If you can assist in collecting signatures / get them certified at various town/city halls, please notify David S. ([email protected]).

A stack was taken about the process. Jonathan volunteered to be a captain because he has experience collecting signatures and is familiar with the process. He wanted people to be aware that he does not drive anymore and he cannot walk well either so these are his limitations. David S. said that he could work with him and he would communicate with him after the meeting.

At this point, Co-facilitator Danny asked if one member was able to get onto this zoom. She was able to.

Eileen asked if the statewide candidates could receive donations now.  Jamie G., who is the Treasurer of Juan Sanchez’ campaign, answered this question: she set up a bank account for Juan already and Gloria has been in communication with her soon-to-be treasurer so she will have a bank account soon.  Elizabeth pointed out that Jamie G. does so much for the party and her family that if she asks anyone for help to please do it regarding this campaign.

5:40 p.m. Approval of Past State Com Minutes  

a) Approval of Spring '22 Second Meeting Minutes

Both Charlene and Lois offered corrections that would be sent to this notetaker. Charlene added that there were many misspellings of last names and she cautioned everyone to be cognizant of that when taking minutes.

Roni pointed out that she has both taken minutes and seen many minutes and the format of the spring #1 and 2 minutes was unacceptable. Danny said that he had changed the format (to make it easier to send) when he sent them so that was the reason for the unacceptable format.

The group decided to table the approval of these minutes until the summer 2022 Statecom meeting. Corrections will be sent to both Maureen and Sean. John A. requested that we just approve the minutes and not waste time talking about them at length.

There was a motion to approve them: the consensus was achieved.

b) Discussion of Plan for Approval of State Com 2019-2021 minutes

John A., the previous secretary, stated that the GRP has a history of having a backlog of minutes to approve. There are many minutes that have not been approved from being on 'Zoom', going back to 2019. Jamie G. stopped the conversation here to say that Sean should be included in this conversation. Danny added that the previous minutes have been compiled and formatted by John A. (so they are in good shape--not just a pile of untranscribed notes!) John A. closed by saying that the longer we wait to approve these minutes, the more our memory fades of the meetings. Maureen asked if the present Statecom members could vote on the minutes if we were not a part of Statecom then. The answer was 'yes'.

A motion was made to approve the minutes:

The 2022 GRP Statecom provisionally approves all minutes older than 6 months.

Discussion and stack.

Charlene suggested writing, “Provisionally Approved”, at the topic of each set of archived minutes.

Danny volunteered to speak with Sean about archiving these provisionally accepted minutes.

VOTE: yes: 9, no: 4, abstain: 1

5:55  p.m. Choose Date, Time & Co-Facilitators for Summer State Com Meeting(s)

Suggested co-facilitators: David K.

break taken here at 6:28-6:32pm

When we reconvened, Jamie M. offered to be co-facilitator; Danny noted the need for objectivity in these roles.

John A. mentioned _______________; Jamie M. agreed with what John A said and stated the bylaws and the regions GRP voters as reasons she wants to co-facilitate. She wants to secure ballot access, ___ of GRP and the bylaws, and _________. David K. agreed with the impartiality necessity; he said that he was previously a co-facilitator with Eileen S.  about a year ago so he is familiar with the tasks.

Discussion continued about concerns over objectivity and _____. Both Jamie M. and David K. spoke on their behalf. Jamie M. withdrew her offer to be co-facilitator. David then withdrew his offer.

Eileen offered to be co-facilitator again; she suggested that she co-facilitate with David K. and he accepted. Charlene expressed concerns about David K and the by-laws.

Jamie G nominated Roni and Brian Cady as co-facilitators; Roni declined as she is co-chair of the convention committee right now.

Vote on Co-Facilitators: Yes 2, No 2, Abstain 1

The vote was not completed; it was canceled and will be sent to GRP's AdCom. They can decide who will be the co-facilitators next time and if someone steps up, they can decide. Charlene said that the co-chairs of the state party are the ones to decide. Lois said that she would contact Rick after this meeting.

The date was not set as the co-facilitators should choose the date, too.

7:00 p.m.      Prior (Disaffiliated) Greater Boston Chapter

a) GRP Trademark Matters: as this is a legal matter, co-facilitator Danny wanted to discuss these three issues separately, so A & B were discussed first. A stack was set up for this discussion. One member of the former GBC spoke about it. GRP Treasurer Brian Cady said that the money is not legal as there is no list of donors. He said that he would not accept the money on behalf of the GRP due to this. The Facebook page of the GBC needs to be taken down.

Maureen mentioned that her understanding of the situation was that a meeting would be held by the members of the disaffiliated GBC to discuss the trademark issue as well as the money. She said that she understood that the former Treasurer of the GBC was going to donate the $284 to the Mel King Institute but that is one person's decision; the group should decide where the money will go.

Lois pointed out that Ad Com has spoken to the GBC several times. Charlene added that the state GRP Facebook page should clearly state that there is no Greater Boston Chapter any longer.

Co-facilitator Danny made a motion: The State Committee of the GRP gives the Administration Committee (AdCom) chief responsibility of pursuing the trademark issue and to take NO action on the financial issue. Ad Com can decide whether to use the terms ‘disaffiliated’ or ‘decertified’ in reference to the former Greater Boston Chapter. The Co-chairs of the GRP will remove the name GBC from the GRP website and calendar. The co-chairs of the GRP will also make a statement for the website and for the FB page.

Vote: Yes: 10, N 1, Abstain 2

b) Treasury Matters

As it was 8 p.m. and a thunderstorm was rumbling, the meeting was called and the rest of the agenda (Including item c) of #8) will be on the next Statecom meeting. #s 10, and 11 will be sent to the membership via email.

  1. c) GRP Relationship re: Prior Greater Boston Chapter

7:15 p.m.      Evaluation of Conflict Resolution (CR) Workshops/ Interest in Future Workshops

       a) Evaluation of 2022 CR Workshops

       b) Interest in Going Forward with More CR Workshops     

                          c) Interest in Going Forward with Other Workshops

7:30 p.m.  Report from GRP GPUS National Committee Representatives: send via email    

7:40 p.m.  Chapter Reports: send via email

7:50 p.m.  Meeting Evaluation

8:00 PM    Adjourn


to do:

Charlene and Lois: send corrections from previous minutes to Maureen and Sean to correct minutes.

Approve Spring 2022 #1,2, and 3 at Summer 2022

Lois and Rick: decide on co-facilitators of the Summer 2022 Statecom meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Doyle

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  • Eileen Wheeler Sheehan
    published this page in State Committee 2022-06-22 15:48:28 -0400