1. 9:00 a.m.Confirm Notetaker, Vibes Watcher and Parliamentarian - Parlimentarian: David Spanagel
- Timekeeper: Richard Viellette
- Stacker: Roni Beal
- Co-Fascilatators: Danny Factor and Roni Beal
- Notetaker: Maureen Doyle, GRP Secretary 2022-2024
2. 9:05 a.m. Take Attendance, Determination of Quorum, Seat Alternates - There are 19 in GRP statecom members in attendence; 14 is quorum so we have achieved quorum
- There was discussion of Linda Thompkins who took a leave of absence ; is she still? We discussed the situation of missing three statecom meetings waking you ineligible to be on statecom ,.(the By-laws state in section 8.11 and 12 about people resigning from the statecom and being replaced by someone in their chapter. However, this is not a resignation but a leave of absence.) The secretary will reach out to Linda to see where she stands. The Parlimentarian weighed in by saying that Linda may attend a subsequent meeting , they can be reinstated as a member as an alternate.
3. 9:15 a.m. Approve Agenda - The agenda was in the comments section of the link on the GRP website; the GRP tech committee will explore why people are unable to post in the appropriate category.
4. 9:20 a.m. Co-Chair Report - Mike Pascucci, the GRP co-chair at present, called in to report that he has been busy trying to organize Adminstration Committee better. He has been coming up with coordinating committees to respond to issues. Mike reported that Laura Josephs, prospective Female Co-Chair , will call in a little later. Charlene D. asked if Laura has spoken about candidate recruitment as a priority.
Mike P. answered about the fundraiser that is scheduled for Sept 2023 which will focus on "Greens in Govertment". He agreed that this is a very important issue.
there was a discussion about whether a co-chair should be a member of the GRP. as we are unsure of Ms. Josephs political affiliation
5. 9:25 a.m. Nominate and Vote for Any New State Com Members
there were no statecom nominees or volunteers
6. 9:30 a.m. Nominate and Vote for Officers and Directors
there were no GRP nominees or volunteers for state positions
7. 9:40 a.m. Nominate and Vote for GPUS Delegates and Alternates
there were no nominees or volunteers for these national positions
8. 9:45 a.m. Nominate and Vote for Ad Com Diversity and Chapter Reps
there were no nominees or volunteers for these statewide positions. There was a specific search for a fundraising director but there were no nominees or volunteers.
Laura Josephs joined the meeting by phone at this time. she was in transit to NH but we did discuss the duties of the co-chair position with her.
Elizabeth Humphrey made a motion to vote of Laura Josephs as a GRP co-chair at the next meeting of the Statecommittee. In the meantime, Laura would be an observer at Ad Com and Statecom and shadow Mike as co-chair.
9. 9:50 a.m. Approve Spring and Winter 2023 State Com. Minutes
10. 10:00 a.m. Treasurer’s Report
11. 10:05 a.m. Discussion Regarding Whether Future State Com Meetings
Should be In Person, By Teleconference or Hybrid
12.10:15 a.m. Choose Co-Facilitators and Dates for Fall State Com Meeting
13.10:20 a.m. Endorsement of GRP 2023 Candidates and How We Can
Support Our Candidates
14.10:35 a.m. Proposal: Plan for How to Reconvene State Com in 2024
15.10:50 a.m. Discussion of 2024 Elections, Including Whether the GRP
Wants to Schedule a Presidential Nominating Convention for
the GRP; Ballot Access as a Goal
16. 11:20 a.m. (Only if Time Permits) Proposal #2: Authorize PlatComm to
Draft a Comprehensive GRP Platform Using a Format Like
the GP Platform
17. 11:40 a.m. Committee and Chapter Reports
18. 11:50 a.m. Meeting Evaluation
19. 12:00 p.m. Adjourn
Action items:
Tech Committee: resolve issue of agenda not being in correct spot
Maureen: reach out to Linda T. about her continued leave of absence
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