1) Credentialing (5)
2) Quorum determination (5)
3) Agenda Approval: (10)
4) Last Minutes Approval/consideration (5)
5) Next Meeting (10):
- Setting the time and place for the next State Committee Meeting and
the State Convention (when necessary).
- Choose facilitators for the next meeting.
6) Reports (20): Administrative committee, working committees, campaign representatives and representatives to the GPUS will each be given
the opportunity to give a two-minute, oral report.
7) Urgent Matters: This agenda section is to deal with any urgent matters. The criteria
for being rated urgent are legal matters that have a deadline before the next state
com meeting.
8) Old Business: None.
9) Proposals (60):
During this section of the agenda, the standard
consensus process is used. The proposal floor manager is permitted up to 5 minutes
to summarize the proposal. Then 10 minutes is allotted to discussion. Each person
on the stack is recognized to speak for 2 minutes and may not speak again until the
stack is empty. Whenever possible, the stack will be balanced according to gender
and race. The facilitators can recognize the floor manager at any time to reply to
respond to comments or questions that arise during the discussion period. When this
discussion period has passed has passed, StateCom either votes to extend
discussion for a specified time (normally 10 minutes) or it makes a decision by
10) Elections (15): Fundraising Director, Female Co-chair, Secretary, GPUS Del. & Alt.
11) Feedback: The meeting should end with a brief feedback session.
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