2024 Winter State Committee Minutes Part Two

Winter State Committee Meeting Part Two (3 March 2024)

  • 7:00-7:05 Came to order.  
  • 7:05-7:10Attendance taken; quorum achieved.  

Zack Kontra, Lois Gagnon, Brian Cady,  Eileen Sheehan,  Elizabeth Humphry, Jamie Guerin, Danny Factor, John Blumensteil-left at 7:54p, Dan Kontoff, Frank Jeffers, Linda Thompson, 

Observer: Valielza O’Keefe  Quorum achieved

  • 7:10-7:15 Alternates were not present.
  • 7:15-7:20  Meeting roles filled.  Stacker: Valielza, Timekeeper: Brian, Note taker: Maureen, Vibes watcher: Zach, Parliamentarian: unknown.  
  • 7:20-7:25  Updated agenda approved with one proposal moved up the agenda by consensus.   
  • 7:45-8:15  Proposal to streamline decision-making on event sponsorship or endorsements by allowing AdCom to approve sponsorships and support when there is no time to wait for State Committee consideration.  (https://www.green-rainbow.org/2024_winter_state_committee_proposals)

    Sponsors: Eileen Wheeler Sheehan and Brian Cady.     Floor manager: John Blumenstiel.  Shepherd: Eileen Wheeler Sheehan.

Maureen mentioned that decentralization is one of the 10 key values of the Green Party and how she prefers to not concentrate power in the hands of a few.

Jamie mentioned how time is of the essence for most of these events/endorsements that come to AdCom and Statecom's attention.

Lois spoke in favor of the proposal as a way to promote ourselves.

Danny also spoke in favor of the proposal.

Maureen mentioned again how this was a slippery slope to decentralization.

Elizabeth encouraged language so that it is not confusing.

Linda spoke in favor of the proposal.

Danny offered a friendly amendment: {exact wording is on the recording that Maureen hoped to get]adding language that AdCom’s approval will NOT be the first stop for endorsements when possible.  State committee will still be the ultimate authority.  There were no concerns. The amended motion was adopted by consensus.

  • Old business items: Reach and scope of the press arm 2:15 - 2:25  Mark Connor hoped to address the reach and scope of the press arm of the GRP
  • 8:15-825  Bylaw review with Kate Hamel:  

A By-Law committee was proposed. Discussion ensued about the former Policies and Procedures Committee. Danny asked if it needed to be reactivated. Should it be proportional? Deferment to John Andrews with these questions and MA laws. He will help us decide if it will be Policies and Procedures or an Ad Hoc by-laws committee.

  • 5 minutes were added to the agenda- CONSENSUS
  • Funding for Young Greens tabling and outreach:  Kate and Mark. 2:35 - 2:45 As Mark was absent, Kate spoke to this.

Eileen said she would support adding this important item to the GRP budget. She added that non-monetary contributions are difficult to quantify.  Previously, there were comments about getting materials from a corporation (that one of the young greens works for). 

Jamie stated that in-kind contributions were not under discussion.  This MA Young Greens is not a proposal, it is a budget request.

There were no concerns.

  • Round Robin
  • 8:26 PM Meeting Adjourned

TO-DO List

  • Maureen proposed that Communications: place all APPROVED and draft 2024 sets of minutes on the website.
  • Next Facilitators: Please place Linda Thompson's idea of scheduling for the whole year on the spring agenda
  • Linda: share again what you wrote about this idea
  • Next Facilitators: Place the Secretary's report on the agenda! see for all the needed info: 
  • https://www.green-rainbow.org/procedures All: Read By-laws (see above link)
  • Lois and Brian: set up a Zoom with David Schwab to talk about fundraising (remember he is not in our time zone when suggesting times!)
  • Brian: please include map at **** on '10. Planning for regional conventions. Thank you. (I tried that link and it says that it is forbidden to me!!) maybe this is it: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massgis-data-massachusetts-governors-council-districts-2021
  • Brian and Danny F: confer about apportionment in each region; see by-law 8.5; tell the GRP the numbers for each region's State Committee membership.
  • Cheryl and Henry: give 300 petitions to Lois; give 300 petitions to DF;  John Blumensteil: get petitions from Danny Factor; distribute to Roni and David S.
  • Membership Committee:  work on the formation of each regional chapter (see above and 8.5.2 of by-laws)
  • Linda: you offered to lay out something; Maureen didn't get what
  • Danny F. and Mark C: get together to discuss the Northeast chapter (combining 3,6,5 of the Gov. Council map)
  • CDLC: run someone for governor's council
  • ALL: Regional Conventions need to be held by April 13th! (or by the next State Committee)
  • Maureen: compile proposals after the secretary (done)
  • Val: set a date for by-laws/ policies and procedures/ad hoc committee and let us know

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Doyle, 2022-2024 GRP Secretary

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  • Eileen Sheehan
    published this page in State Committee 2024-04-27 23:00:40 -0400