People, Planet & Peace Over Profits

"The Plan that Came from the Bottom Up"

The inspirational story of Lucas Aerospace Corporation’s engineers’ Alternative Plan

to convert their factory from weapons manufacturing to socially beneficial technologies

February 7th @4-6PM, UMass Amherst, ILC S220

co-sponsored by Western MA Science for the People and Western MA GRP

"It’s an insult to our skills and intelligence that we can produce a Concorde and not enough powerful heaters for all those old-age pensioners who are dying in the cold." A worker at Lucas Aerospace eloquently sums up the core problem of contemporary Western society.  He’s one of the designers of the ambitious strategy proposed by the workforce in 1976 to shift their company’s assets to manufacture socially useful products, which both the government and corporate interests ultimately undermined.
  We must keep pushing our municipalities to pass resolutions that assert our commitment to peace and justice.

Save the Date

Green-Rainbow's Annual Meeting

Saturday May, 10, 2025

First Unitarian Church, Worcester MA


The election is over, now Let's Go!!

Escaping the Duopoly Nightmare

 a short video that captures the spirit of what lies ahead
Thanks to Mar Kamal (@grinvites on Instagram) for this inspiration



Halt your Company's Complicity in the Gaza Genocide

Israel has killed tens of thousands of people in Gaza — with many thousands more lost under the rubble that once was homes, neighborhoods, and communities. More than 40% of those killed are children. Israel's genocidal campaign is enabled by the financial, military, diplomatic, and cultural support it gets from companies around the world. As workers, we can force our employers to halt their complicity in this genocide. The time to act for Palestine is now.

Watermelon Index

The Watermelon Index is a tool for resistance against corporate complicity in the occupation of Palestine and genocide in Gaza. It is designed to facilitate worker-led campaigns against companies that are complicit in Israel's crimes.

Many people are unaware of their employer's links to Israel's crimes, or do not know how to change them. The purpose of the Watermelon Index is to enable people to investigate their workplace, organize for a free Palestine, and learn from other campaigns. Anyone can submit information about their workplace or campaigns.

  Let the Green-Rainbow Party Communications group know when you decide to take action against a Massachusetts-located company so we can support you.



Join the boycott of McDonald's

McDonald's Gives Free Meals to Israeli Soldiers


Ocean State Job Lot Solicits Donations to Support Israel's War

Boycott Ocean StateNortheast US regional store to boycott: Ocean State Job Lot is owned by rabid zionists. They're playing announcements in the stores about how Jews in Israel are suffering, with cashiers asking every customer if they will "donate a dollar for the Jews in Israel." #GazaGenocide

Call Ocean State Job Lot Corporate Headquarters:  401-295-2672 Report your call to [email protected]


To remain neutral in a situation of injustice is to be complicit in that injustice." Desmond Tutu

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." Thomas B Macaulay

The Green Party US Stands for a One-State Solution in Israel-Palestine

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Our Green values oblige us to stand against oppression, against settler colonialism, and against the International crime of apartheid.

  1. We recognize that Jewish insecurity and fear of non-Jews is understandable in light of the history of horrific oppression and extermination of Jews in Europe. However, we oppose as both discriminatory and ultimately self-defeating the position that Jews would be fundamentally threatened by the implementation of full rights for Palestinians. We also reject the Zionist concept of an exclusive Jewish homeland at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian population.

  2. As U.S. Greens, we refuse to impose our views on the people of the region. Still, we would turn the U.S. government towards a new policy, one that recognizes the equality, the inherent humanity, and the equal civil and human rights of Jews, Muslims, Christians, and all who live in the region.

  3. We recognize that the prevailing Palestinian view is that the two-state solution is neither democratic nor viable in the face of international law, material conditions, and "facts on the ground" that now exist in historic Palestine. We recognize that a growing number of Palestinians now support a one-state solution that guarantees equal rights for all its citizens. Given these realities, the U.S. Greens recognize and reaffirm the right of self-determination for both Palestinians and Israelis, and their right to live in a single undivided secular and democratic state where all residents have full and equal rights, and freedoms

The Green-Rainbow Party Proudly Supports a Permanent Ban on Fossil Fuel Drilling off our Coastline

RIP Mel King, a co-founder of the Green-Rainbow Party, died on March 28, 2023, at the age of 94.  He was a respected and renowned politician in the Boston area for over 70 years.

Mel KingIn 2002, Mel King and members of the Massachusetts branch of the Rainbow Coalition merged with the Green Party of Massachusetts to form the Green-Rainbow Party. "A giant tree has fallen in the forest of humanity," said David Barkley, who continues Mel King's community breakfasts.  The current members of the GRP party remain grateful for the commitment and grace that Mel King brought to civil rights and diversity throughout his life.


 01 favicon transparent 400Think Global, Act Local

3 Municipal Officials Explain How They won Elections as Greens

 Joyce Palmer Fortune, Chair of the Whately (MA) Select Board described winning in Massachusetts

The vast majority of Green Party candidates run for local office as opposed to state and national offices. Thirty-five percent of them win. This live webinar on February 22 introduced three Green candidates who were recently elected to city/town council positions. Hear the stories they told about their successful campaigns and contributions to their communities as elected officials. Be inspired by their determination and example. We were.

Click here to watch our Winning Candidates

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Doomsday Clock Reset to 90 Seconds to Midnight on Jan 24th!

Our world inched 10 seconds closer to total annihilation in the past year according to the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists which set the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight.  Our leading peace activist, Jill Stein, offers the following perspective:"Russia appears to be countering US nuclear threats on its borders by moving Russian missiles towards our borders.
Specifically, the Russian warship, Admiral Gorshkov, is heading towards the US coast, in apparent response to NATO's expansion - including nuclear-capable missiles - right up to Russia's borders. This follows the US moves to:

1) dismantle nuclear treaties that would have made nuclear conflict impossible
2) declare a first-strike policy on the use of nuclear weapons,
3) ignore Russia's offers to negotiate, dismantle a tentative agreement brokered by Turkey, and disregard the Minsk accords.
Admiral Gorshkov may well be equipped with Russia's hypersonic missiles that are unstoppable by any technology the US is in possession of. If so, Russian nukes can be here in 10 minutes.
Clearly, it's time to end the game of nuclear brinkmanship that's put all our lives in the crosshairs.
We need an immediate ceasefire, negotiations to ensure security for all parties, and an end to nuclear weapons via the ban treaty.
Tell Biden to sign on to the nuclear ban treaty -- while we still have a world to save. Check out the forum on the nuclear danger that's going off the rails, and see the resources below, including Scott Ritter's latest.
Peace and Solidarity!"
Jill Stein


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