Host foreclosure meetings

Title:|  Host foreclosure meetings

 Shepherd/Floor Manager/Lead Sponsor:   Merelice, Norfolk County

 Co-sponsor(s):  Joanna Herlihy (Middlesex), Scott Laugenour (Senatorial District)

 Vetting Committees: Administrative Committee, Membership Committee


As one of the founding organizations of the Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL), the GRP has a history of seeking ways and supporting legislation to help people save their homes.  Contrary to popular opinion, it is expected that foreclosures will spike again in 2014. Further, the protections that are now law are not necessarily known by the people who need protecting. In addition, it has been proved that the majority of past foreclosures have been done illegally, opening the door to challenging them and restoring people's homes, 

 Several cities in Massachusetts are organized to work with people whose homes are threatened, cities like Boston, Springfield, Lawrence, Lowell, Worcester, and Brockton. The GRP has the opportunity to help MAAPL educate or start to organize residents in a few more cities. Possibilities include Pittsfield, the Fitchburg/Leominster area, Fall River, and the Weymouth/South Shore area.

 Summary/Proposal Text:

The GRP, through its chapters (either local or campus) and candidate networks, will work to host three or four organizational or educational meetings in cities across the state for people facing foreclosure or already foreclosed, ideally during the four months of April through July 2014.

 Financial impact:

Cost of refreshments at the meeting. If the GRP chapter is unable to find a free venue, MAAPL will find a location.


Following the January StateCom meeting, Adcom will ask relevant chapters/members and past candidates to consider their ability to help organize a meeting and how to proceed in their areas. When a host has been identified, they will be put in touch with a MAAPL contact.

 GRP's role is to identify a location for the meeting, possibly distribute flyers and use local press to promote the meeting, and host the meeting by providing some refreshments. MAAPL would be responsible for doing the research to identify relevant attendees, determining the agenda and conducting the program, and printing and providing the materials that the attendees need to protect their homes. 

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