A very moving film about the abuse of the world's most famous publisher/whistleblower was shown at three theaters in Massachusetts two weeks ago. Jill Stein introduced the film at the Somerville Theater on March 22nd. She, also, offered some remarks in an interview, after the show. Julian Assange's father, John, and brother, Gabriel Shipton created the film and have accompanied it around the country to highlight the fact that Julian, as the publisher of Wikileaks, is constitutionally protected under the First Amendment.
Despite this much-revered American value, Julian has been detained in a maximum security prison in Britain at the behest of the United States. He remains in significantly declining health and still can face 178 years in an American jail for publishing the truth about the illegal American war. Other members of the Green-Rainbow Party attended showings and showed their deep support for the Wikileaks publisher.
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