Proposed Agenda for Green-Rainbow Party State Committee Meeting June 23, 2012
Click here for a two-sided, single sheet version of agenda suitable for printing
9 AM - 4 PM
Worcester Friends Meeting House
901 Pleasant St
Worcester, MA 01062
local contact: Richard Vaillette · [email protected] · 978-874-0273
for maps, directions and RSVPs:
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Quorum call and welcome.
Select minutes taker, stacker, time keeper, vibes-watcher, and parliamentarian(s) for the meeting.
To expedite the meeting, we ask you to volunteer for one of these roles in advance. -
Establish quorum. Seat alternates as appropriate.
we thank you in advance for demonstrating your respect for your other committee members by showing up on time - Review and approve the meeting agenda.
- Approve minutes of last Committee meeting.
- Appoint facilitators for Fall 2012 state committee meeting
- Choose time, place of Fall 2012 state committee meeting (to be held in Western MA
- location option A: TBD location in 4th Berkshire District (couple w/ canvassing/voter ID/standouts in support of Laugenour campaign)
- location option B: Amherst MA, e.g. HItchcock Center for the Environment
- date option A: Sunday 23 Sept 2012
- date option B: Sunday 30 Sept 2012
9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Urgent Business
Selection of Presidential Electors. Presentation by party co-chair Anthony Barrows
Candidate Endorsement Request: Scott Laugenour, Green-Rainbow Party candidate for State Representative, 4th Berkshire District
Appointment to fill Diversity Representative position on the Administrative Committee
9:50 AM - 10:00 AM Old Business
Report on Review of Ad-Com Structure (as requested by State Committee). Presentation by party secretary Merelice.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Presentation and ranking of meeting proposals
- GRP involvement in November 2012 Ballot Campaigns. Sponsor: Mike Heichman. Co-sponsor: ?
- Neutrality policy on endorsements and nominations. Sponsor: Anthony Barrows. Co-sponsors: multiple.
- Redefine regional convention districts. Sponsor: Merelice. Co-sponsor: Nat Fortune
- Short term attainable goals. Sponsor Mike Heichman. Co-sponsor: Rick Purcell
10:30 AM -11:30 AM Mini-Summit
How State Committee Members Can Plug Into Initiatives and other Organizing Opportunities (as requested by State Committee)
List of Green-Rainbow Party 2011 Initiatives (from 16 April 2011 Initiative Organizing Summit and Summer 2012 State Committee Meeting):
- Voter Registration — included in all of the initiatives as an integral component
- Justice, Immigration and Civil RIghts (Claribel Santiago/Arthur Conquest)
- Winning a better budget with fairer taxes (Shirley Kressel/Nat Fortune)
- Building a green and just economy
- Achieving universal single-payer health care
- Bringing our troops and war dollars home
Earlier, still ongoing initiatives include
- Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL)
- Candidate Recruitment, Development and Support
Some immediate opportunities for coalition work on initiative topics (illustrative examples)
- Fund our Communities Not War (FOCNW) referendum campaign:The Scott Laugenour Campaign has signed on to collect signatures in the 4th Berkshire district. Members of The Green-Rainbow Party Pioneer Valley Local have signed on to collect signatures in the 5th and 10th Hampden districts. District by District list available here. Signature deadline July 3rd.
- Campaign for Our Communities/An Act To Invest In Our Communities: goal is passage of major "revenue reform" legislation in 2013
- Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance Initiative: advocating for safe access to medical marijuana (signatures have been submitted)
MIni-Summit Agenda/Discussion
- History of actions taken (or not taken) by various initiative committees
- Input from candidates regarding which initiative topics/actions would be most relevant to their campaigns: Scott Laugenour, others?
- relevance to strategic plan: planning and implementation. How can these help us "vote and organize?"
- prioritization: which initiatives are worth continuing? which need new leadership? what are reasonable goals for each?
- identifying state committee members willing to work as initiative meeting conveners and/or organizers
11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Working Committee Meetings
Working Committee Meeting Time for State committee members
12:00 Noon - 12:45 PM Lunch Break
Bring your own/pot luck. There is a small kitchen available on site.
12:45 PM – 1:30 PM Reports from Party officers and directors of active committees
- Co-chairs
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Candidate Development and Legal Committee
- Communications
- Convention
- Fundraising
- Membership
- letter to Governor Patrick requesting appointment of a Green-Rainbow Party member to State Ballot Law Commission
- review of ad-com structure, as requested by State Committee
- report from Membership, Volunteer, and Diversity Committee
- report from 2011 Fundraising Director (resignation letter)
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Consideration of Highest Ranked Proposal
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Consideration of 2nd Highest Ranked Proposal
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Consideration of 3rd Highest Ranked Proposal
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Consideration of 4th Highest Ranked Proposal
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Meeting Wrapup
- review of action items and decisions
- miscellaneous announcements
- round robin
- clean up of facility
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