
Proposal header ‘Dear Adcom: Find directors and officers’
Proposal preamble: Frustration with GRP lack of performance has led to calls to change our structure, yet with communications and fundraising directorships open for most of many years, we haven’t really tried fully using the structure we’ve got. Large groups are best at deliberating and setting laws, small ones at getting things done. So let’s instruct the small group of adcom to nominate candidates for the three empty GRP director and officer positions; Secretary, Fundraising Director and Communications Director.
Proposal short title: ‘Officers’
Proposer/Floor Manager: Brian Cady, 617-943-2853 [email protected]
Co-sponsor sought:
Vetting committee: MDVRComm
Explanatory background: The Fall 2017 Statecom discussion’s attempted ‘proposal from the floor’ on Adcom pursuing candidates for these three open positions was not in accord with our laws, namely Standing Rules section 1.
    ”...No proposals will be accepted at the meeting, except by any StateCom
    delegates which are elected within 4 weeks of an upcoming scheduled StateCom
Hence this proposal, which merely seeks to properly pass what was attempted at the Fall 2017 Statecom meeting.
Proposal summary: Adcom will nominate, to Statecom, people to temporarily staff these vacant officer and director roles through until the 2018 convention, when convention elections for these roles can be held. Statecom will elect interim Secretary, Fundraising director and Communications director at the 2018 Winter/Spring joint adcom-statecom teleconference, in accord with our bylaws.
Financial Impact: Forecasting this is difficult, as a Fundraising Dir. might well collect dues from many of our 5,000+ members, yet filling these positions may well require hiring people. If $25 dues was collected from only 2/5ths of the approximately 5,000 members, this would yield $50,000.
Implementation:  Adcom will pursue getting these director and officer positions temporarily filled.

Showing 6 reactions

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  • John Andrews
    commented 2018-01-14 19:46:45 -0500
    I think this proposal confuses “motions” and “proposals”. StateCom has always conducted business through motions from the floor. StateCom would be unable to exercise its responsibilities if it did not permit motions from the floor. StateCom must often act on issues that arise suddenly or issues that did not become clear until discussed at the meeting. Motions are required to dispose of such matters. Motions are not proposals. Motions do not require co-sponsors, vetting, etc. Proposals are analogous to legislation in Congress. Proposals handle more complicated matters that are generally not time-critical. That said, a proposal can be submitted to modify or replace an action taken as a motion from the floor. That is how I view this proposal.
  • Joshua Gerloff
    tagged this with Impractical 2017-12-26 13:58:14 -0500
  • Joshua Gerloff
    commented 2017-12-26 13:58:06 -0500
    Adcom may act independently and has begun the process of advertising for these positions. Roni Beal is handling Secretary duties until a “temporary” appointment is made. An email blast for Secretary has already gone out. An email is currently being drafted for the Fundraising Director. I think once interested parties announce themselves, they will be vetted and nominated for those positions to StateCom. Basically, I believe AdCom is already working on this, independently of a flopped proposal at Fall 2017 StateCom.
  • Brian Cady
    commented 2017-12-18 01:51:35 -0500
    I see this differently than Charlene:
    1) This is a policy change from Statecom to Adcom being responsible for finding people to work these positions.
    2) There is no mention of ‘motions’ in the existing standing rules.
    3) Adcom hasn’t the authority to permanently fill the two directorships.
    4) There is effectively no Fundraising committee. I’m not sure how fares the Communication committee.
    I do agree that prospective directors can and should join these committees, and familiarize themselves with directorships’ duties and responsibilities.
  • Charlene Dicalogero
    commented 2017-12-17 19:02:32 -0500
    I believe this proposal is unnecessary. This is not a policy change or something that the bylaws do not provide for. My understanding is that a motion can be made to encourage AdCom, and all other members, to recruit officers for the party. Also, I’d suggest that the only officer position that needs a “temporary” appointment is Secretary. The other two positions need permanent appointees to be effective. There are committees for Fundraising and Communications—people who are prospective Directors can and should join the relevant committee between now and the annual State Convention. I suggest that people who want to run for these positions also get information ASAP on what the duties and qualifications are for the two Director positions.
  • Brian Cady
    published this page in 2018_Winter_Statecom_Meeting_Proposals 2017-12-03 06:45:20 -0500