Title: Ten State GRP Regions Proposal – Recommend to State Convention?
Shepherd: Merelice ([email protected])
Co-Sponsors: Brian Cady([email protected]), ….
Committees before which this will have gone: CDLC, Membership (approved),
The proposal is a change in the bylaws – specifically the section on how and when proportional representatives are elected to the state committee. The proposal would include changing the basis from counties to the ten proposed state senatorial regions mapped and described at: http://hopefulvision.blogspot.com/2013/06/proposed-green-rainbow-party-regions.html
It would also include what state com has already approved in concept but not yet changed in the bylaws, that is, regional conventions would be every four years instead of two and the terms of current proportional reps would be extended to 2016.
Summary: Instead of from counties, State Comm. Members will be elected from within ten GRP regions, which would meet every four, instead of two, years. Current StateComm rep.s would stay on 'til 2016.
Financial Inpact: Unknown
Implementation: tbd. (Merelice will help out with this as soon as she gets back settled from globetrotting, around Sept 24th.)
Showing 5 reactions
Anyhow – Using 5 districts per regions helps that geographic problem for us int eh west and arguably int eh southeast, but I have no idea if that would mess up the greater boston and metros regions, so I thought I’d ask if you already considered it, and if so, why is 4 districts per region better than 5?
While we want to group all of a municipality’s districts in the same region, a problem is that we also want to leave no single district at one end of the state grouped in a gerrymandered-like fashion into one region with a few spare districts in another part of the state.
Also, Worcester and greater Boston are so big that they each inevitably divide into multiple four-district regions, when we start from the corners of the state, so that no single senatorial district is orphaned alone in a corner. That is why both Worcester and greater Boston are divided in Merelice’s arrangement.
While one could try to better apportion the 40 districts into ten regions, I found that I could not, and so recommend accepting these regions as is.