Protocol for annual goal-setting, plan-setting, and budget-setting process

Sponsor/Shephard/Floor Manager: Brian Cady [email protected] 617-943-2853

Co-Sponsor: Elie Yarden, Mike Vaglica.

Vetting Committees: To be: Finance and Fundraising Comm. Adcom

Summary: Annual budgeting should be guided by, and fundraising informed by, an annual plan of action, which should pursue agreed-upon, stated goals:.

Goals -> Plan -> Budget & Fundraising.

Below are sketched a schedule of steps to annually build goals, a plan and a budget, and to guide fundraising.

1. Background: Proposed Process: Overview:

A. The elected Co-chairs select potential goals, and propose a plan to get there – They have been elected by the annual convention. and represent it, which gives them authority.

B. Fall Statecomm agrees to, or modifies, those goals.

C. Working committees and Chapters review the plan, in light of the goals, and suggest plan changes.

D. Then Adcom collects and assembles a revised plan, and return these to chapters and working committees.

E. Working Committees and Chapters use goals and plan to make working committee and Chapter budget proposals.

F. Then FinFundComm assembles the various budget proposals into an annual budget,

G. Adcom sequences budget-line items by priority into a prioritized proposed budget.

H. Winter Statecom addresses this proposed budget and passes a budget.


2. Text of proposal & Implementation: Protocol for Annual Goals, Plan, Fundraising and Budget – Proposed Schedule:

Early-Sept: Co-chairs proposes next year’s goals, & plan; prepare goals for Fall Statecom.

Mid-Sept: Statecom selects & approves annual goals. **Goals Done**.

Early-Oct: Adcom asks Working committees, local chapters to review, & comment on annual plan.

Late-Oct: Adcom revises, plan, returns to working committees. **Plan Done**.

Early-Nov: Working Comittees respond to revised goals & plan with Committee budgets.

Mid-Nov: Adcom receives plan and committee budgets, conveys budgets to FinFundComm.

Early Dec: FinFundcomm assembles, from Committee budgets, the next year’s budget.

Late-Dec: Adcom receives and reviews plan and budget, & sequences budget items by priority.

Early-Jan: 1st Statecom meeting of the year addresses the year’s plan and the year’s budget. **Budget Done**.

Mid-Jan: FinFundComm begins Spring Fundraising, with mailing/dialing.

Early-Feb: Donors receive Spring Fundraising Appeal mailing.

March: Donations/Pledges received. **Fundraising Done**.

Financial Implications: Vary by year, goals, plan, budget & fundraising success.

Showing 11 reactions

How would you tag this suggestion?
  • David Rolde
    commented 2020-11-05 18:49:16 -0500
    Very top down. Violates decentralization kv.
  • David Rolde
    tagged this with Bad 2020-11-05 18:49:15 -0500
  • Brian Cady
    commented 2020-10-29 18:02:33 -0400
    Richard, Since this gives work to local chapters and working committees as well as adcom and the co-chairs, it seems fitting that everyone affected get a chance to weigh in on this one, to me. Hence I hope all statecom members will consider this together.
  • Richard Vaillette
    commented 2020-10-23 16:15:45 -0400
    It seems like a very ambitious plan that indicates that, if we can carry it out, we’re getting quite professional. One question that I heard was that it possibly does not rise to the level of a proposal. It seems administrative. Do Adcom and the treasurer already have the authority to carry most of this out?
  • Richard Vaillette
    tagged this with Good 2020-10-23 16:15:44 -0400
  • Brian Cady
    commented 2020-10-23 15:24:00 -0400
    Lois and Elizabeth, Thank you for your comments. You’re right that it is too late this year to follow this protocol this year. This proposal would establish this procedure for next year. Lois, the goal-setting and planning are to be all encompassing; not just financial. The budget then would be built to get us toward those goals along those plans.
  • Lois Gagnon
    commented 2020-10-23 14:18:57 -0400
    This proposal doesn’t make clear if the goal setting and planning are purely financial or all encompassing. Also, we are already past September for this year. Is this proposal to begin taking effect in September of 2021?
  • Elizabeth Humphrey
    commented 2020-10-22 14:40:04 -0400
    I really like this proposal; however, I’ll point out the unfortunate fact that we are running behind the proposed schedule already. Personally I do not have an opinion to “fix” this but wanted to mention it with out any concerns about the proposal itself. It is a well planned plan other than the schedule of implementation at the current date in the year.
  • Elie Yarden
    tagged this with Important 2020-10-08 15:41:25 -0400
  • Elie Yarden
    tagged this with Good 2020-10-08 15:41:22 -0400
  • Brian Cady
    published this page in 2020 Autumn Proposals 2020-10-05 17:45:45 -0400