CDLC Candidates Report January 2017

Candidate Development and Legal Comm Candidates Report

January 7, 2017

CDLC currently has 4 members: Charlene DiCalogero, Nat Fortune (co-chair), Maureen Doyle, Jonathan Martin. We are in need of 1 to 3 new members to replace a long-time member who resigned in November 2016.

Considering running:

Thirteen (13) candidates are considering running in the next two years for local, state or federal office.

Of the 26 additional names in our “current prospectives sheet”: 

Three (3) have just run a campaign, and we do not know what their future plans are.

Six (6) are potential recruits to be a GRP candidate, who have had previous experience in running or serving in public office, or in some other way are thought to be potential prospects.

Some may be unreachable and will probably be reassigned to our inactive list in the next quarter.


We believe the following are currently in elected or appointed office as GRP:

                Name                                Next election     Level/Position                   Town                     Chapter if known

  1. Moss     Bryan                    5/2018                  Local      Town Meeting  Shrewsbury            NRGR
  2. Garrett Gail                        5/2018                  Local      Select Board       Mt Washington
  3. Larner   Tar                        3/2019                  Local      Housing Board   Concord               AVGR
  4. Jespersen Damon                5/2017                  Local      Select Board       Newbury (Byfield)
  5. Merelice M K                       5/2019                  Local      Town Meeting  Brookline                GBC
  6. Steeves Gus                       6/2017                  Local      Town Council     Southbridge
  7. Flower  Cedric                                                 Local      Housing Auth     Charlton
  8. Gatti      Frank                                                 Local      Town Meeting  Amherst
  9. O'Connor Vincent                                            Local      Town Meeting  Amherst
  10. Doyle    Maureen                                             Local      Conservation Comm  Southbridge 

Respectfully submitted,

Charlene DiCalogero, co-chair

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  • Charlene Dicalogero
    published this page in State Committee 2017-01-05 19:35:16 -0500