Bylaws amendments, Section 8, pertaining to special or emergency State Committee meetings

Short title: Bylaws amendment, special meetings

Sponsor: Charlene DiCalogero, Co-chair and StateCom member, CMGR

Co-sponsor: Joshua Gerloff, Secretary, StateCom member, NSC co-chair

Shepherd: Charlene DiCalogero

Vetting Committees

Administrative Committee

Proposal to amend the following two bylaw subsections under Section 8, State Committee:

1. Section 8.3

Amend this bylaw to shorten the number of days required notice to State Committee members for a meeting from ten days to five days. And,

2. Section 8.9 Amend this bylaw on to add to who may call for a special or emergency State Committee meeting.

NOTE: Per Section 8.8, this proposal as a bylaws change must be approved by consensus or a vote of 75% of State Com members present at an official meeting:

8.8. The state committee may amend the Bylaws by a vote of 75%. A state convention may override this change by a majority vote. A 2/3 vote of the recognized Green-Rainbow chapters will also override any Bylaws change or decision of the state committee, but this method cannot be used to override a Bylaws change or decision of a state convention.


1. Section 8.3 currently reads as follows:

8. 3 State committee representatives must be notified at least ten days before meetings, either in writing or by telephone. Such meetings shall also be announced in the appropriate Green-Rainbow Party publications and communications avenues.

Proposed change:

8. 3 State committee representatives must be notified at least five days before meetings, via email, text or by telephone. Such meetings shall also be announced on the appropriate Green-Rainbow Party website and social media.


1. Rapid communication has gotten easier since the spread of internet and cell phone usage. The party has primarily communicated using these tools for years.

2. On occasions such as the need to replace Officer or Director positions, the Party needs to be able to respond more rapidly to decide and act on time-sensitive administrative and political tasks.

2. Section 8.9 currently reads as follows:

8. 9 An emergency or special state committee meeting may be called:

• by a written or proxy vote or a petition of 1/3 of the state committee representatives;

• by a petition or vote of 1/3 of the recognized state Green-Rainbow chapters;

• by a simple majority of state committee representatives at an assembled state

• committee meeting.

Emergency or special state committee meetings would not count towards the limit on the number of state committee meetings that representatives must attend to remain in good standing.

Proposed change:

8. 9 An emergency or special state committee meeting may be called:

• by a written or proxy vote or a petition of 1/3 of the state committee representatives;

• by a petition or vote of 1/3 of the recognized state Green-Rainbow chapters;

• by a simple majority of state committee representatives at an assembled state committee meeting;

• by an Officer of the Party, including Co-chair, Treasurer or Secretary;

• by a simple majority of Administrative Committee representatives on a teleconference or at a face-to-face meeting.

Emergency or special state committee meetings would not count towards the limit on the number of state committee meetings that representatives must attend to remain in good standing.


1. Special or Emergency meetings of State Committee are usually called by an Officer(s) or Administrative Committee to deal with urgent decisions and/or tasks. This makes sense because AdCom meets more frequently and is more likely to become aware of urgent tasks requiring action by State Com.

2. This change would codify what we have already been doing.

Budget Impacts:


Who will do what when:

Charlene DiCalogero and 1-3 other members of AdCom will:

1. check that there are no conflicts with other bylaws provisions.

2. Once this is confirmed, Charlene will provide the final approved text to the Secretary.

The Secretary will:

1. create a newly dated version of the bylaws with the final approved text,

2. email the revised bylaws to State Com and AdCom members,

3. file appropriately on DropBox and/or Googledocs, and

4. make a hard copy for themselves to bring to State Com meetings for reference.

All tasks above to be completed ASAP, at latest by two weeks before the Spring 2019 State Committee meeting.

Showing 7 reactions

  • Joshua Gerloff
    commented 2019-01-25 00:17:38 -0500
    I like Danny’s amendment.
  • Joshua Gerloff
    tagged this with Important 2019-01-25 00:17:37 -0500
  • Daniel Factor
    commented 2019-01-24 21:34:35 -0500
    5 members of the Assabet River Valley chapter discussed this proposal and are in favor of it, but only with the following amendment. ’"If one of the purposes of the State Committee meeting is to change a bylaw or to change any part of our Party Agenda , the notice period shall be 10 days. " (the purpose of this is to make sure that this bylaw change is not used for bad faith purposes such as taking advantage of time periods when particular state com members are out town and then altering the whole nature of our party. After all, there is really no instance in which a bylaw or Party Agenda change cannot wait 10 days. The more usual pressing reasons to call an emergency meeting— such as to elect an officer— stays intact. with 5 days notice allowed )
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2018-12-28 19:38:47 -0500
    I can find nothing in the proposal that ohs contradictory to current bylaws.
  • Charlene Dicalogero
    commented 2018-12-28 17:02:15 -0500
    I have reformatted the bylaws change proposal.
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2018-12-20 17:31:17 -0500
    Formatting would make for easier reading. On the other hand, this needs reading by only a few people.
    But I rarely have reactions to bylaw changes.
  • Charlene Dicalogero
    published this page in 2019 Winter Statecom Proposals 2018-12-20 11:07:59 -0500