December 14, 2023 AdCom Minutes

  1. Attendees: Frank Jeffers, Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair) Danica Lima-Bybell (Young Greens representative) Brian Mulhern (Central MA Chapter) Zack Kontra (Membership Director of the GRP), Eileen Sheehan (Communications Director of the GRP)
  2. Minutes Approved: Nov 30, 2023, Nov 9, 2023, Oct 29, 2023
  3. Agenda Approved No concerns
  4. Next meeting: 11 January 2024 
    1. Eileen brought up the fact that things might come up about Year-end activities and Presidential decisions. Can we approve Mike, as Co-chair, to make these decisions? She brought up the' action alerts' that Lois used to post. Mike discussed this and he said that he is not opposed to doing this if necessary. He will send an email if anything comes up.
  5. Northeast Regional Chapter 
    1. See the attached bylaws Northeast Regional Chapter Bylaws (which are similar to the ones that Zach K has written for the Southeast Chapter)
    2. Danica spoke to these and responded to Mike's question about members possibly going 'rogue' and if they had planned anything for that occurrence. She responded that they have 'recall notices' within the by-laws for just such an occurrence (Danica added that they just hope everyone doesn't go rogue at once but they do have checks and balances in place!
    3. Danica will be the AdCom rep and Mark will be the StateCom rep.
  6. 2023 goals review:
    1. Per chapter: one collaboration with students achieved by Feb.- discussion on this as being a vague goal. Collaboration has been achieved but not making a membership. Should this goal be more specific? Mike tried to make it vague to give some leeway to each chapter. Smart goals need to be set.
    2. 3% increase in GRP Registered voters by the May convention. Not achieved.
    3. Major fundraising event planned by May.  The benefit was not a "fail". It just wasn't by May. We did lose money (~$2800) on the benefit
    4. Monthly membership director reports on # of Reg voters & GRP members at AdCom 
      1. Zack will send membership numbers each month to both the Treasurer and the Communications Director. This was discussed at some length.
    5. Every chapter identifies one new town candidate by January 2023 or city candidate by March 2023.  This goal was accomplished with these GRP members:
      1. Zack is running for Holyoke Select Board
      2. Gloria is running for School Committee
      3. Nellie Media from Central MASS is running??
      4. Eileen would love to have YouTube videos of elected officials. Brian encouraged her to make a proposal for the next StateCom meeting
    6. Each chapter finds 2 potential candidates and connects them with CDLC, by Jan 2023 for 2023 town races, or by March 2023 for city races.
  7. New member integration webpage by May. Nnot done but should be transferred to 2024 goals
  8. A second collaboration with students per chapter to be achieved by Oct.  Not done.
  9. Three more potential candidates per chapter, connecting them with CDLC by Jan 2024 for presidential year races.
  10. Treasurer Issue (This is the background from the previous meeting):
    1. As we had discussed at a previous meeting, regarding the Young Greens chapter, we debated whether each chapter needs its own treasurer or just having a state treasurer is enough. This is from the last meeting: “Eileen suggested having ONE secretary and one treasurer ([and] not have them rotating). Brian C. added that John Andrews said to just have one treasurer for the entire party, as bookkeeping is tough, [and law prevents PACs which coordinate expenditures, IE party as PAC and chapter PAC]-there is more detail on video.”
    2. “There was a discussion of whether it should be a treasurer in each chapter or just one in the GRP. Young Greens should talk about this issue with John Andrews. Brian will work with John A. Roni Beal, and Eileen (from Finance Committee) to clarify. Mark, from the YG , weighed in: having been doing the duties of the treasurer, they are not ‘double dipping”.”
  11. Faster Decisions Eileen brought up how we need to make decisions faster. john Blumensteil is working on a proposal for the next StateCom and Brian C added this will help expedite things. Eileen is helping John write this in Communications.
  12. Round Robin. A review of the meeting and best wishes for the upcoming  holiday
  13. Adjourn 8:02pm




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