RSVP here for the Fall meeting in beautiful Holyoke Massachusetts! Location IS confirmed.
There will be a Campaign Action Day in Holyoke on Saturday, October 14 in support of Darlene Elias and Juan Sanchez. We can arrange home stays for people participating on Saturday and staying over for the Sunday StateCom meeting. Please return the RSVP form below to [email protected].
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RSVP Form for October 14-15
___ I plan to attend the StateCom meeting on Sunday, October 15.
___ I plan to participate in the Campaign Action Day on Saturday, October 14.
___ I would like to arrange a home stay in the Holyoke area on Saturday night, October 14.
[Return form to [email protected]]
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- October 15, 2017 at 9:00am – 5pm
Holyoke Rows
25 Jones Ferry Rd
Holyoke, MA 01040
United States
Google map and directions - 7 people are going

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