TUESDAY, 2/14/17
South End Technology Center
359 Columbus Av., South End, Boston
(Around the corner from Back Bay T Station and a parking lot-$10)
7-9 PM
This is a DRAFT agenda. Please send your feedback by Wednesday, 2/08. I will send a proposed agenda a few days later.
Please let us know if you need special accommodations to attend the meeting.
Mike Heichman [email protected] 617-265-8143
I. Brief Introductions except for longer introductions for newer members
II. Quick Items at the Beginning of the Meeting
A. Approve the Agenda
B. Select a Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper for the meeting
C. Approval Minutes of 1/10/17 Meeting (see below)
D. Because of the many new members who have joined us recently, a brief explanation of how the chapter makes decisions
III. Reports
A. GBC participation in Inauguration Protests and next steps in working in support of immigrant communities
B. Public Bank Report and next steps
C. MA Safe Communities Act-report of actions taken and next steps
D. Fracked Gas Lines Protest Report and next steps
IV. Continued discussion of GBC Program for 2017
A. Proposal A from Mike Heichman
Our major work in 2017 will be to join with others and build the Resistance Movement against oppression, austerity, militarism, fascism, empire and ecocide and to promote a compelling vision for “People, Planet and Peace”.
1. We will create a new GBC recruitment leaflet. This will briefly explain our analysis, our challenge to the system and the duopoly that supports it, our vision and an invitation to those who share our values and principles to join us.
2. In Greater Boston, we will participate in as many organizations and events as we can. We will wear our GRP buttons, our GRP T-shirt and pass out our GBC and other GRP literature. We will share our political perspective and will learn from others who are participating in the Resistance Movement. The capital city of Boston will be our primary focus, especially in areas dominated by people of color and low-income people.
3. With the hopes and expectation that more new people will join our chapter, we will focus more of our monthly meetings on internal education and support.
4. We will develop a proposal for the state party and submit it for the April State Committee meeting.
B. Proposal B from Mike Heichman: GBC have an event with Mel King and the new edition of his book, “Chain of Change”
C. Other ideas and proposals
V. Proposal: Elect GBC officers at our next monthly meeting (From the GBC By-Laws)
Article V -- Officers, Responsibilities, Committees
A. Strong efforts will be made to encourage diversity in the selection of officers.
B. Officers will include:
1. Female and Male Co-Chairs
2. Treasurer, Secretary, or combination thereof
3. Any other officers the chapter chooses to select
C. The duties and responsibilities of each officer will be determined before the election.
D. Efforts will be made to rotate tasks (facilitators of the meetings, recorders, timekeepers, etc.)
E. Length of term, not to exceed one year, will be determined for each office before the election. Officers may be elected for two consecutive terms.
F. Officers can be recalled at any meeting, following giving the officer an opportunity to respond in executive session to concerns or charges. A vote of at least 2/3rds of those present is necessary to remove an officer.
VI. Announcement
VII. Next Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, 3/14, 7-9 PM (Ask Mel)
VIII. Evaluation of the Meeting (Strengths and Ways to Improve)
IX. Adjournment and Clean-Up
Green-Rainbow party’s Greater Boston Chapter meeting minutes from Jan 10th, 2017
Present: Mike H.(facilitator), Brian C(notes)., David R., Elie Y., Thomas McG.(timekeeper), Matthew A.,
Approved: Previous minutes.
Report on Statecom - delayed due to meeting being snowed out on Jan 7th. Statecom will meet Jan 28th.
discussion on Inauguraral Protest...
Passed: Proposal in three parts:
1) Encourage members to attend Inaugural Protests
A) Jan 20th Boston Common
B) Jan 21st Women’s March
2) Create leaflet to grow party, draft to be emailed for email approval.
3) Who pays for leaflet: Encourage protest attendees to donate.
Leaflet committee = Matt A., Thomas McG. & David R.
Re: GBC officers election - discussion
announce 3-4 weeks in advance, to increase turnout, and to better election.
David R. will make next monthly meeting Facebook event posting.
Re: Public Bank state bill - discussion
Johanna H. will send proposed letter template to statecom, on which each may model letters to MARepresentatives/Senators.
Passed: Proposal to
1) Endorse sending letters to state legislators supporting them filing Public Bank bill.
2) & Lobby
Deadline: by Jan 21st all MA bills must be filed.
Passed: Proposal that we
1) Endorse May Day Coalition action on Jan 28th
2) See this area of immigrant rights as (important?).
Passed: Proposal that we resist regional gas pipeline expansion as part of our 2017 work.
Announcements: Thursday 7pm John Beckham addresses Anarcho-Syndicalism at the Democracy center 45 Mt. Auburn .st. Cambridge, MA
- February 14, 2017 at 7:00pm – 9pm
South End Tech Center, Back Bay, Boston.
359 Columbus Ave
Boston, MA 02116
United States
Google map and directions - 2 people are going
Mike Heichman

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