Global Greens Head to COP27


We are used to doing Green Party things on the state level and sometimes on the national level.

But, there is an international group of Greens called the Global Greens! Founded in 2001, they have been presenting the "COP27 Webinar Series: Loss and Damage" in advance of this year’s COP27 (Conference of the Parties #27) documenting the fact that those people in the world who have contributed the least to the problem, are experiencing it the most, and the hardest.

This year, COP will be held in Egypt. The Global Greens are standing in solidarity with the Egyptian Greens as they boycott COP27. The Egyptian Greens are boycotting COP27 because it is being held in their country, well known for many human rights waves of abuse; this makes it difficult to work together to protest climate change and social justice actions. There is a more detailed description and rationale in COP27 Statement on Human Rights.  The Global Greens will be sending a delegation to the COP, however, to represent Green issues and to voice the issues that the Egyptian Greens are protesting. 

Their June 8th webinar was on International Action starting at the Local Level. "The Power of Change" aired on October 11 and featured inspiring actions told by prominent change agents themselves.  These included the President of the Green Party of Buenos Aires, Argentina, an astronomer who is the leader of Green PartyCanada, a British Olympian sailor who is now active in Extinction Rebellion, and Caren, the 2022 Green Kids award winner from Kenya.

November 6th is the date of the next Global Greens webinar focusing on Electoral Reform and Democracy. It will be held on Zoom and one can register on the Global Greens Facebook page.  Questions can be submitted prior to the webinar at: [email protected].  Be aware that these webinars are in the morning (to us in EST); these programs are in GMT as it is Global. 

Respectfully, Maureen Doyle GRP_Logo_LEAF_20.png

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  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2022-11-01 11:03:07 -0400