Greens Celebrate Successes and Look to the Future at Annual National Meeting
Some 120 Greens from around the nation gathered at the University of Iowa in Iowa City July 24-27 to talk strategy, learn new skills, celebrate victories, and plan the future of the Green movement in America. The 2013 Annual National Meeting included workshops, films, speeches, and lots of face-to-face interactions. The developing Green Party strategic plan was briefed and reviewed. A luncheon address by Presidential nominee Jill Stein was a highlight. An evening fundraiser at the Trumpet Blossom restaurant provided a boost to Green Party coffers. Everyone left with new ideas and new enthusiasm for the ambitious plans of the party.
Photo: Green Party Co-chair Darryl Moch welcomes Greens to the national meeting.
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The Green Party's 2013 Annual National Meeting
June 6, 2013, John Andrews - Co-chair, for the GRP Administrative Committee
The Green Party's 2013 Annual National Meeting will take place in Iowa City, Iowa on July 25-28. The Green-Rainbow Party is encouraging anyone who can make the trip to consider attending. It is a great opportunity to meet fellow Greens from all over the United States and even from other countries. There will be workshops, panels, and a meeting of the National Committee. We especially encourage you to attend if you are one of our delegates to the National Committee, if you serve on a national working committee or caucus, or if your organizing work as a candidate or local activist would benefit from comparing notes to people doing similar work in other states.
Below is an announcement with additional information. A detailed agenda for the meeting should be released soon. If you want to attend, even if your plans are uncertain, please send your name to [email protected]. We will share helpful information on travel arrangements and lodging. The Green-Rainbow Party will use its Participation Fund to partially defray travel expenses for GRP attendees who find the travel costs to be an economic hardship (Anyone who tells us they are thinking about going will be sent a copy of the financial assistance application form.) Hope to see you there!
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2012 National Convention
The 2012 Green Party of the United States Annual National Meeting and Presidential Nominating Convention will be held July 12 - July 15 in Baltimore MD at the University of Baltimore, directly across the street from Penn Station. Hope to see you there!
To learn more about the candidates seeking the nomination and the latest campaign news, please visit the GPUS 2012 Presidential Campaign page. To learn more about the Green Party of the United States, please visit the GPUS website.