Greens Protest Gun Violence with Orange

To honor the 31 victims of gun violence in Buffalo on May 14th, and in Uvalde on May 24th, the Green-Rainbow Party supports the annual Wear Orange Weekend to be held from June 3rd to 5th.

Gun violence is reaching epidemic proportions. In 2021, nearly 21,000 people were killed by firearms (not including suicides). The United States is the only country with more civilian-owned firearms than people

Democrats have no plan to curb gun violence.  In Congress, there is no expectation that this year, despite national “mourning” of the loss of life in Buffalo and Uvalde, there will be any meaningful legislation to curb the explosion of military-style weapons among civilians and children.

We Greens cannot wait and hope for others to prevent gun violence.

Wear Orange will hold 12 events, in Massachusetts, from Pittsfield to Gloucester. If you are unable to attend, Greens are encouraged to wear orange wherever they travel on that weekend.  This is just the start of our mission to create real social justice for our state and our nation.

Lois Gagnon, Co-Chair

Rick Purcell, Co-Chair GRP_Logo_LEAF_20.png

Showing 2 reactions

  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2022-06-01 23:05:43 -0400
  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2022-06-01 22:51:22 -0400