Decisions made:
- Brian C will bring next $800 challenge draft to co-chairs for approval & email blast distribution
- Josh and Brian will consult with others re Boston Regional Convention results.
- John will bring the Covid-19 & Economic Collapse essay to Adcom list.
- Joshua G will set up model of minutes blog.
People Present: John B, Lois G, Brian C, Joshua G, Maha V
Roles: Josh facilitator, Lois time, Brian minutes.
1) The previous minutes are approved by consensus.
The agenda is approved with addition of “GRP Website Ideas”
2) Treasury Report
State: $7,374
Fed: $3,772
Paypal: $86
- John: 202 gbc owes the state for mailings.
- Josh: NSC also owes $45 for postcard mailing.
3) Matching Funds Challenge
Brian: A generous donor will match up to $800 if they come in before Earth Day.
Brian C will bring next $800 challenge draft to co-chairs for approval & email blast distribution
4) Boston Regional Convention Results options:
- reject & ask statecom to acclaim the 7
- accept the election & 6 elected to statecom - Matt to be appointed to Statecom by nomination
- redo nomination and election
Check residency and registration
- redo email and election with Matt Andrews.
- Josh will consult with David Gerry.
- Brian will consult with GBC officers.
5) South Coast to hold elections to StateCom Monday, April 13: Josh will call in to help them.
6) Web Page Ideas.
- John: Website Ideas: Military reprioritizing (seeks sponsor for Statecom Ppoposal) Covid-19 & economic collapse. John B will bring the Covid-19 & Economic Collapse essay to Adcom list.
- Joshua: What is the party doing on a day-to-day basis? Idea: A running blog which includes minutes from Statecom, Adcom, local chapter & working committees minutes. Joshua G will set up model of minutes blog.
7) Round Robin
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