GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-04-23

Decisions Made:

  • New Adcom/Statecom number: (978)990-5362 code: 4572343# Administered by the Cochairs
  • PNC Plan is approved. Make “Will Attend” column uniform.
  • Metro West Chapter Certification is unanimously approved. Josh will notify.
  • Danny volunteers for reader/speaker role on Statecom Orientation meeting 2020-04-29.
  • Charlene and Brian will draft an email re next meeting?
  • ​Brian volunteers to co facilitate. Wed April 29, 2020.

Attendance: John Blumenstiel, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Lois Gagnon, and Joshua Gerloff.

Quorum is 4. With 5 voting members on the call, quorum is reached!


Guests: Elie Yarden and Dick Vaillette


Roles: Lois Facilitator, Dick Timekeeper, Josh Minutes.


Approved by consensus: AdCom minutes, 4/9/20


Approved by consensus. AdCom minutes, 3/26/20.


Approve agenda:

Josh: Add comment about old telecon number. Adcom had discussed security before and decided to use Josh’s account so that Josh can monitor who was on the call, mute people when necessary, record the call, etc.

Charlene: learning.


Review and approve PNC delegate plan (attached): this is the specific apportionment and assignment of delegates, per the approved DSP.

​Needed 11 delegates. got them. Delegates had to commit or not to a candidate. The PNC will be remote.

Joshua: Pay for registration?!

Charlene: CDLC or PCWG files for something.

​​Charlene walks Adcom through the spreadsheet for PNC Delegate Plan.

Danny: PCWG should seek alternates. Can someone write up a sentence about how it's computed, the diversity number? Make "will attend" column uniform.

The Submitted PNC Delegate Plan is approved by consensus.


New Metro West chapter, request for certification:

​Danny: Can they clarify their area? What about diversity? Also last names in the minutes, first names after. Approved. Joshua notify Metro West. and Statecom.

Need contact info of Officers.

A Roll-Call Vote is taken to approve certification of the Metro West Chapter: unanimous. Approved by consensus.


GRP bylaws and Standing Rules orientation/training (AdCom members please attend also!): need presenters/discussion facilitators

​How we run meetings. Learn about the bylaws and responsibilities. Looking for volunteers.

Danny: volunteers for reader/speaker role on Statecom meeting.

Charlene: The orientation is important. Seat appointed by regional conventions. People need to understand the rights, responsibilities, and duties of Statecom members.

Southeast Region: 1 elected.

Northeast Region: Joshua elected.

Metro West Region: 3-4 elected to Statecom.

Danny: What about the Boston regional.

Brian: Postcards went out to most people. Email they had announcing it.

Charlene: Email blast to chapters and working committees. Phone security.​ Concerned with Boston regional.

John: GBC was to have them seated. not everyone got the nomination ballot, so people were excluded from that. GBC decided to seat the elected ones, and suggested that former State Committee members who would have nominated themselves be given temporary delegate status.

Brian: Poor email outreach.

Joshua: Is their Statecom membership in dispute?

Charlene: yes.

Danny: Question: Are there concerns about sending out the email.

Charlene: will draft email.

Brian will help.

Working Committee Highlights, Requests

​John: MDVR last meeting. Focused on the video presentation. We have support from John’s local tv station. Reached out to the chapters for volunteers for speaker parts. Something up on our homepage for a Pandemic Statement. What's the status of that? -not on homepage yet.

Charlene: Statement from the cochairs, acknowledge contributors.

Danny: Where is the latest version? Review.

Charlene: ​On my desk.

Danny: Transparency? I haven't seen it.

John: Statement on the homepage is a confusing process, how do we get messages out? Constantly shifting statement doesn't make sense.

Charlene: Might share to Adcom list or might just want to send it! We’ll see what happens.


Charlene: CDLC working on PNC stuff. Candidate recruitment.

Danny: What about your campaign?

Charlene: Happy to announce she has the signatures! All via postal mail. You only need 50% of the normal amount required. We'll know who is on the ballot in June.


Brian: Fin Fun: Brian and Roni Beal: A donor offered to match up to $800. Raised $320. Donor gave all of $800.


Suggestions/volunteer for StateCom co-facilitator

​Brian volunteers to co facilitate. Wed April 29, 2020.


Round Robin


Adjourn​ 8:45 PM.

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  • Joshua Gerloff
    published this page in Pulse 2020-04-30 00:23:35 -0400