Decisions Made:
Still looking for video presenters.
Elie send Darlene’s email to JB.
Brian will use GRP Dropbox to open ANM videos.
JB call Priscilla E.
Brian will lobby for Merch email blast with Charlene.
People Present: Elie Y, Joshua G, John B, Brian C.
Topics Discussed:
Proposed agenda:
1) Assigned roles. 3 minutes
2) Approval of February minutes ( Thanks, Josh). 3 minutes
3) Approval/Edit of current agenda. 5 minutes
4) Announcement of available banner funds for chapters:
$650 divided among state chapters (as needed). 3 minutes
5) Video project update. 15 minutes
- Script completion
- Roles needed
- Photo/video stock footage (Josh, ANM footage availability.)
- tech skills needed. (SCATV)
6) Campus Outreach letter. 5 minutes
7) "No Shortcuts" workshop/ Boston Labor Solidarity Committee. 5 minutes
- ? endorsement
8) GRP policy re: Elimination of Military 5 minutes
9) Demexiters. 15 minutes.
-membership packets
10) Wrap up
Decisions Made in bold (discussion notes in plain text):
Past minutes: approved by consensus.
Agenda accepted by consensus.
Approved by consensus $650 (amount confirmed BC) for spending on chapter Banners.
Video - 3 presenters needed - Maha as presenter, Elie Y, Darlene E.? Joshua G? More presenters sought
Elie Y will send Darlene’s email address to John B.
John B spoke with Sharon local TV.
Stock photos sought.
ANM video’s on dropbox too big for free dropbox access.
GRP dropbox account
Brian will use GRP dropbox to get ANM videos.
John B will reach out to Priscila Espinosa.
Elie Y. points out that Ten Key Values are clearer at version than at version
All invited to review video script.
Suggestions welcome.
Campus outreach letter : a few sent mostly to UMB – 15 of 80 politically aware, socially active groups.
?Send out when Bernie gets shafted? Then re-write letter? JB: timing chapter level decision?
Elie Y working with students needs finding the right people to talk with. Phillips book house....
Green Harvard book club. May not be the moment.
No Shortcuts – GBC co-sponsor a study group on No shortcuts and following Jane McA book
Progressive movement is stuck in rut about method of reaching out. JB asking for endorsement for ‘No
Shortcuts’ workshop.
EY: opportunity to test video meeting?
BC: worked.
JB: will talk with Matt A.
Eliminate USA Military –
EY: general policy. Trying to build membership National level.
Some trying to make greens look naive, ridiculous. Peter Camaho.
BC: article I wrote distributed through GBC on Costa Rican unilateral disarmament success, and peace between USA states since Civil War.
JB: ‘Redirection reallocation of military spending.’ asks for feedback.
JG: present to commitees /send to chapters to vet proposal.
EY: USA founders were opposed to standing military. ....
JB: committed to changing statement via convention.
DemExiters 2.0 – EY: let’s postpone discussion.
JG: remembers a few meetings ago suggested comparison doc between Bernie & Green party
presumptive nominee. Forwarded to [GPUS?] outreach committee, hasn’t heard anything back.
JB: to entice support?
Wait to see how campus closings play out. Influx of new Greens? Prepare. Samples packs.
JB: Silent Auction: hats and shirt packets.
JG: Can we email blast for selling T-shirts, caps?
JB: Charlene nixed blasts before – fear of overloading email channel.
EY: website sales.
JB: end of April good time for blast.
Brian will lobby for merchandise email blast with Charlene.
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