Decisions Made:
All: Keep asking around for video production help.
All: Keep up the Green chatter/comments on social media. LTE and Opinion.
Check out
MDVR points of concern re Matt's 2020 Dues proposal: More work for burdened people. We should pay a person x/hours a week. Complicated: the more convoluted it gets, it bounces between chapter officers, party officers, committees, etc. a universe of moving parts? Will it generate dues or will it get lost in the shuffle? GRP has a human resource problem = less likely we will have a functional outcome from a complicated dues proposal.
Attendance: John Blumenstiel, Brian Cady, Joshua Gerloff, Elie Yarden.
Roles: John facilitator, Josh minutes.
Approve March and April minutes: Both approved by consensus.
Approve agenda: Approved by consensus.
Old Business
- Banner decision:
John: Name change up in the air, Stay-At-Home Order still in effect. Not a good use of money at this time.
- Recruitment video
John: Project is on hold, and will be until the Stay-At-Home order is lifted, at least. We still need someone who can help us, we will try with local tv station. If we can't find anyone, Dien Vo can help us.
- Covid 19 statement on webpage
Matt Andrews put the statement on the GRP homepage. Looks good.
Ongoing Business
- Discuss strategies for outreach during lockdown
- Social media
John commenting on Youtube. Throwing out info re GPUS, GRP, get some chatter going.
Josh send out Massterist All political news in Massachusetts.
JB: LTE, Opinion pieces
JG: Our media list is no good.
EY: Dep of Environmental Protection: the hot spots in the state. Let's pay attention to that, we are doing something no other political party does. People are meeting via phone, web, but some people can't do that: who are those people?
JB: Anchored more in local problem areas.
- car caravan demonstrations
Matt Andrews and Linda Thompson have some interesting ideas.
- Review North Shore’s outreach literature and distribution: We didn't get to this.
- Membership Dues proposal: Matt
Elie: This puts more work on people who are working
Josh: We need money!
Brian: Fun Fin meets monthly. Fun Fin members: Brian, Big Mike, Roni Beal. Gives more work? How else would we do?
Elie: This refers to events that we would make use of to do this work. What about the lock down? It has to be separated from the other activities. All it needs is a spreadsheet. They are not committing for more than a year. Need to follow up yearly.
John: Comes across as a bit complicated. Hard to implement. Can recurring/monthly donations count toward dues?
Josh: Matt should add recurring payments.
Elie: Membership card. We should pay someone. Creates paid work for our members who need work
Elie: More work. Confuses monthly payers and dues payers. This is an organizational tool. If its just meh-money, we lose an opportunity to meet new people while we get it.
Brian: The affiliation is a more important result. If its paid yearly, there is a small fee (3%+30cents). Less fees on larger payments? It's possible to do membership cards.
MDVR points of concern re Matt's 2020 Dues proposal: More work for burdened people. We should pay a person x/hours a week. Complicated: the more convoluted it gets, it bounces between chapter officers, party officers, committees, etc. a universe of moving parts? Will it generate dues or will it get lost in the shuffle? GRP has a human resource problem = less likely we will have a functional outcome from a complicated dues proposal.
New Business
- Use of Zoom and/or other apps for communication
JG: I prefer Lots of extras. video, etc.
BC: Vimeo works pretty good for documentaries.
JB: LTE to smaller local newspapers. Get some chatter going.
Adjourn 8:30 PM
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