GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-06-01

Decisions Made:

  • May 2020 MDVR minutes approved by consensus.
  • John will ask Matt Andrews about being the Communications Director.
  • John: John will create and share Info sheet on local media to GRP chapters.
  • Dues Proposal discussion tabled.
  • Josh will call David Gerry, Techcom, re voter list. Brian can merge the files with Nation Builder when we get it.

Attendance: John Blumenstiel, Brian Cady, Joshua Gerloff and Elie Yarden.


Roles: John facilitator. Joshua Minutes.


May 2020 minutes approved by consensus.


​​Approve Agenda.

  • ​Elie: Add ​under ​other items re Boston reg conv. Good for outreach to Boston membership.
  • Agenda approved as amended by consensus.


Discuss strategies for outreach during lockdown

  • Brian: Merelice suggested buying publicity through Facebook for people running for office.
  • John: Powerful to comment and mention GPUS and GRP.
  • Elie: David Schwab, who had presented an ANM 2019 workshop on the use of social media: lives in Milwaukee, WI. NGO supported from various sources. Active in Wisconsin, Maine and Jill's campaign. He's doing a study, for use of electronic media. Many of the people we want to reach don’t have the tech. Most people will have a telephone. People have been less uptight about giving out information.
    • 1. We can devise a project for distributing information, via the different media.
    • 2. Strategic preparedness: develop technique of what we will do under various circumstances.
    • We don't know the course of the virus. Be ready for all the possibilities. Likely alternatives, ascertain methods we can use.
  • Josh: Matt A. seems to have been tapped for Communications Director?
    • John: He's busy. I will ask. Can this be a priority for him?
  • John: Watching Youtube videos and talking green in the comments. "Rational National" Youtube channel by David Dole, Canadian Green.
  • John: Mass Peace Action (MAPA): Letter writing campaigns, LTEs. This is a good way to do, encourage. Some success in getting LTEs out over the years.
  • John: Maha response to John B’s letter re GRP Top Down vs Bottom Up Governance = New Green Roundtable. Matt A: Signage, signs, George Floyd, etc. Chapters placing signs around with our position. David R thinks pandemic is contrived. Niomi Klein. GRP homepage.
  • John: John will create and share Info sheet on local media to GRP chapters.
  • Elie: CCTV. Local access TV. Take a course on how. And then you can have your own show.


Review outreach literature used by North Shore.

  • How distributed? What is the impact? Feedback from recipients?


Report on Convention Planning

  • John: Working to create a virtual convention. Asking chapters for workshop submissions.
  • Josh: Sunday June 14. Maine Green Independent Party (MGIP) Convention. Watch and learn.
  • Convention Planning Committee = Roni Beal, John B, Joshua G, Matt A, Dan Kontoff and Big Mike.


Review with Matt our last meeting Discussion re:Dues

  • John: Had not reached out to Matt re MDVR concerns (see May minutes). More complex, less likely compliance. Questions to Matt?
  • Elie: Purpose: to build a list of party members. If we have membership cards.... There are 4000 or so GRP reg members.


Other items:

  • Elie: Has a new list. 282 women and 360 mem in Boston 5 and 6 (metro boston). There is a party in Boston that we don't connect with at all.
  • Race: Some towns are all white like Westwood, persistence of race issues. 23% of registered Greens in Metro Boston are Black.
  • Brian: Voter history is recorded. Indicates history and party preference. You can see which ballot they pulled.
  • Elie: Working from this. At least 20 people from Boston, committed to GRP, mostly unknown. Missing a history of which of these people have voted green 3 times.  We call them first. Must be an intense campaign to establish contact by any means necessary, with people who are on the current list in Boston: 1. A regional Convention, meet in virtual space.
  • Brian: Ask them "What is the next step for the GRP, GBC, African American community." New list from SOC. Will say which ballot they pulled.
  • Elie: The list contains private info.
  • John: Let's do it right. Democratically.
  • Brian: It's a double region. No separation.
  • Elie: The notice of the convention should go to everyone.
  • Speakers?: Jill and/or John Andrews: An attraction re the pandemic.
  • Elie: 3 hour event telecon? The planning: find a way to maximize the outreach. These people are likely to accept an invite because they've been Green for a long time.
  • Josh will call David Gerry, Techcom, re voter list. Brian can merge the files with Nation Builder.

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