GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-02-05

Decisions made:

$650 Banners. Divide between the GRP chapters who don’t have banners. They can order it.

ACTION ITEM: Josh clarify edit to script via email

Need stock pictures for video project. If members can contribute to this, please do.

Josh will forward the Bernie Comparison Doc task to the GPUS Outreach Committee.

Attendance: John Blumenstiel, Joshua Gerloff, Jamie Guerin, Elie Yarden.

Roles: John facilitator, Josh notes.


Agenda: Approved with addition of Convention Committee Needs Help!

January 7, 2020: Approval tabled for next meeting.


Review MDVR Approved Budget:

$240 Outreach Letter to Progressive Groups on College Campuses

$650 Banners. Divide between the GRP chapters who don’t have banners. They can order it.

$1250 Video

Accidentally forgot to ask for money for 3 regional rallies.


Convention Committee needs help! Needs volunteers.

EY: GRP Convention must approve nominations to the GPUS PNC. Nat Fortune, John Andrews or Jill Stein all have experience with the Convention Committee.



ACTION ITEM: Josh clarify edit to script via email

Dien Vo suggested software: $150 “Story Blocks”

Video will play like this: 4-5 people read the 10KV. 1 voice over with visuals.

We need a 15-30 sec eyecatcher. Similar to:

Need stock pictures. If members can contribute to this, please do.

For $300/day, an experienced team can shoot the background video and editing in a couple of days. Request a reel of their work.


Campus Outreach Letter:

JB has a list of 80 UMB student groups.

For other schools, contact the Office of Student Affairs.


Jane McAliny “No Shortcuts”

Is there interest in workshops about organizing, expanding networks, and building relationships.

John will lend the book to Josh. Thanks John!


Concerns about GRP website: “Eliminate US Military”

JB: We look naive. 0%... immediately?!?! How can we attract other groups if we aren’t pragmatic.

Jamie: We are a peace party, but this could  be worded better. Make it clear what we stand for.

Josh: Voted for the proposal. Violence is extreme. Do we believe in non-violence or not?

John: A small group is crafting a counter proposal.


What to do after Bernie Bust, when the #Demexiters #Greenenter?

Jamie: In 2017, the attendance was incredible and it was sabotaged. We need to be ready with Membership Packets ready to go. Many of them won’t have political experience. Let’s think of ways to on-board them, get them involved.

Create a document comparing Bernie Sanders platform to our GP Presidential Candidate.

Josh will forward this task to the GPUS Outreach Committee.

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