9.16. Duties of the co-chairs ( 1 male/non-binary and 1 female) shall be to:
- Act as official spokespeople for the Green-Rainbow Party;
- Set the agenda for administrative committee meetings;
- Arrange for facilitation of all state conventions, state committee and administrative committee meetings;
- Notify other administrative committee members and directors of meetings;
- Ensure that other administrative committee members and directors are performing their duties.
(12 Green-Rainbow Party Bylaws: Modified January 26, 2019)
9.17. Duties of the treasurer shall be to:
- Ensure that the Green-Rainbow Party prepares a yearly budget.
- Record all financial transactions involving the Green-Rainbow Party;
- Present summary financial reports at every administrative committee meeting;
- Present a full financial report at every state committee meeting;
- Present an annual financial report at state conventions;
- File financial and tax reports as required by law;
9.18. The co-chairs and treasurer may authorize financial expenditures that are not in the budget and have not been approved by the rest of the administrative committee if two of the three agree.
9.19. Duties of the secretary shall be to:
- Ensure that minutes are recorded at all Green-Rainbow Party meetings;
- Distribute minutes to members in a timely manner;
- Keep the Green-rainbow Party Bylaws up-to-date;
- Receive materials and submit them to AdCom for certifying GRP chapters (see 7.3).
9.20. Duties of the membership director shall be to:
- Co-chair the membership and diversity working committee;
- Ensure that chapters have assistance with expanding their membership and improving their organizing efforts;
- Ensure that the party’s organizing manual is up-to-date;
- Ensure that the chapters have access to training classes on organizing and membership development;
- Find experienced organizers who will work with chapters to improve their organizing.
9.21. Duties of the fundraising director shall be to:
- Ensure that the Green-Rainbow Party prepares a fundraising plan with the yearly budget;
- Co-chair the finance and fundraising working committee.
- Ensure that the fundraising plan is executed;
- Ensure that the Green-Rainbow Party meets its fundraising goals;
- Ensure that chapters have assistance with expanding their fundraising efforts;
- Find experienced fundraisers who will work with the state party and chapters to improve their fundraising.
9.22. Duties of the communications director shall be to:
- Co-chair the communications and media working committee;
- Ensure that media strategies are developed for state party campaigns;
- Organize the creation of the newsletter, email newsletters and web site;
- Organize a speakers bureau;
(13 Green-Rainbow Party Bylaws: Modified January 26, 2019)
- Ensure that relationships are developed with members of the media;
- Ensure that press releases are written and distributed to the media;
- Ensure that chapters have the assistance they need to improve their skills for developing and implementing media strategies.
Delegates to the GPUS National Committee:
4 Delegates ( 2 male/non-binary and two female)
Delegates’ obligations are fourfold:
- To represent their caucus, state, territory, or district;
- To inform state constituencies of GPUS proposals, votes, actions, and other matters;
- To vote on proposals;
To further the work of the GPUS by serving on committees, or help
provide a replacement volunteer from your state party or caucus
4 Alternate Delegates ( 2 male/non-binary and two female)
To carry out the same responsibilities in the absence of the Delegate.
Showing 4 reactions
That’ s because I made a mistake – sorry. Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I’ll be sure that the ballot has the right number of positions.
I respectfully ask why there are no longer 4 delegates and 4 alternate Delegates as there were last year on the GRP 2020 Convention slate?
Example from last year (2020):
4 Delegates ( 2 male/non-binary and 2 female)
4 Alternate Delegates ( 2 male/non-binary and 2 female)
Thank you for your time.
Elizabeth Humphrey