Gloria Caballero Roca and Juan Sanchez, together with their intrepid team of signature gatherers supplied the Secretary of the Commonwealth with sufficient petition signatures to get them on this year’s ballot. Assuming that no one successfully challenges the signatures by September 3rd, Massachusetts voters will have a real choice on November 3rd.
Now, on to the home stretch. If Gloria and Juan win even 3% of the vote in the November election, the Green-Rainbow Party will be officially recognized as a Party once again, with all the powers that Party status offers. Gloria and Juan urgently need your support to spread the real Green word. Unlike the major Parties, they do not accept corporate contributions. They are truly the voice of the people. Please consider donating to Gloria’s campaign and to Juan’s campaign as well.
In addition, we are super proud of our candidate for State Representative from the Berkshire third district, Michael Lavery. He will be an independent voice for the environment and social justice in the Legislature. Please give what you can to Michael's campaign
And join us on the campaign trail. That's how democracy works. Contact our office at [email protected] for ways you can volunteer.
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