SouthCoast Chapter 2019 YTD report

This year, the SouthCoast Green-Rainbow Chapter has met 17 times with an average attendance of 3.5. We have worked locally on two statewide campaigns 1. Ranked Choice Voting. We have worked closely with the Voter Choice MA team, collecting petition signatures, making calls, and lobbying on Beacon Hill. In January, we recruited the first (and only) Bristol County representative, Alan Silvia, to support the measure. Recently, we have met with Representative Paul Schmid to discuss his concerns. 2. Plastic Bag Ban Ordinances. The SouthCoast Green Rainbow chapter has proposed a Fall River city ordinance banning retail plastic bags. The local Our Revolution and the Green Futures of Fall River have publicly endorsed our proposal. We have also tabled on this matter at the Fall River Pride Day. Our chapter has supported a similar bag ban ordinance in New Bedford. At present, both proposed ordinances are with the respective Corporation Counsels. In January, we bore large “Greens March Forward” signs in the New Bedford Women’s March. In May, we met with Frances Boyd, organizer for Medicare for All. While endorsing her proposals we have not had the volunteers to actively recruit support in our county. In June, we met with the UMass Dartmouth chapter of the Sunrise movement. We will be continuing the conversation now that school has resumed. We have also twice donned our Green-Rainbow caps while standing out in opposition to the ICE program at the Bristol County jail in Dartmouth. Given the resignation in 2018 of our Co-Chair, Justin Rocha, and our Secretary, Sean Connell, we have been unable to maintain the multiple chapter roles or the participation on state working committees. Sadly, we have no local Green candidates to promote in this cycle. We would hope to participate in any state-sponsored ideas or programs to inspire Green candidates in our area. As the election season heats up, we expect that new blood will swell our depleted ranks. We look forward to amplifying our voices in support of the Green-Rainbow Party. Eileen Wheeler Sheehan, Treasurer October 5, 2019

Showing 2 reactions

  • Brian Cady
    commented 2019-10-07 07:23:35 -0400
    ‘4th Franklin district’ should be ‘4th Berkshire district’
  • Joshua Gerloff
    published this page in 3rd Quarter 2019 Chapter / Committee Reports 2019-10-06 19:26:38 -0400