We are reaching out to you about our statewide candidate search for 2022. We’re interested learning how you would like to participate in our effort to find the candidates who will run as representatives of the Green-Rainbow Party to advance “People, Planet and Peace.
Can You Help Us Find Them?
As a Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts supporter, you understand the importance of having progressive candidates at every level who want to run for office outside the corporate duopoly. That’s why we need your input.
The GRP is seeking suggestions now for energetic and committed statewide candidates for 2022, who can spread the GRP message far and wide, and critically, help the party regain ballot status.
Candidates for the statewide seats of Auditor, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Commonwealth are especially key, because it is easier to win the 3% of the vote needed to regain state official party ballot status.
With official party access, the Green-Rainbow Party, the MA state affiliate of the Green Party of the U.S., becomes more visible as a true alternative to the corporate parties who together wrecked the economy, accelerated climate disruption, and continue to prevent the 99% from being represented in our government.
In thinking about whether someone would make a strong candidate(s), consider whether that person has political and/or community activist experience, and a willingness to actively campaign (with the help of GRP supporters). The GRP actively seeks candidates from all backgrounds, including people from politically underrepresented groups.
If you or someone you know would consider running as a Green-Rainbow candidate for State Auditor, Treasurer, or Secretary, please contact us as soon as possible. There’s not a moment to lose!
To Recommend A Potential GRP Candidate:
Please send an email message to [email protected]. Provide the name of the person you are recommending, their contact info, and a few sentences about why you believe they’d be a strong candidate for one or another of these statewide constitutional offices. Taking just a few minutes to do this could make a huge difference at this critical moment in our state and country.
Thank you for supporting the party for People, Planet and Peace!
David Spanagel
Male Co-Chair
Candidate Development & Legal Committee (CDLC) and 2022 Election Working Group Co-Chair
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