MEMBERSHIP CORNER - regain official party status


Great news! The Membership Committee is back in action, and we need your help this year to regain official party status by getting at least 1% of the total MA voters registered in the Green-Rainbow party. 

We are asking everyone to, please, double-check your voter registration status.  Make sure you are registered Green-Rainbow Party specifically (being registered US Green will not count towards GRP voter roll numbers) 

Registering to vote or to change your party status is easy.  Just fill out a voter registration form at your local city or town hall or register online.  You can register online at -  The Green-Rainbow is listed under Party Designation.

We are the official green party in Massachusetts.  When we earn official party status we will become the progressive alternative to the Democratic machine that dominates our Massachusetts government.

We are also asking our Chapters and volunteers to help us reach our registration goals. Help support the GRP by working with your local chapter to get unenrolled voters registered to vote and to register Green-Rainbow Party through canvasing and tabling at events.

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  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2023-02-01 05:09:42 -0500