Title: Short Term Attainable Goals for the GRP
Sponsors: Mike Heichman, Suffolk County and
Contact Info for Floor Manager: [email protected], 617-265-8143
Committees Vetted: Adcom, ComCom, CDLC, Membership & Diversity, & Platform
Background: Our party desperately needs a strategic plan. Unfortunately, it seems that the recent current effort has once again gone limbo. While important work was done, their initial plan proposed goals and timelines that were very unrealistic (opinion of Mike Heichman).
Summary: The June 23rd StateCom meeting will adopt attainable goals for the rest of 2012 and establish a process that will continue to develop attainable goals with a realistic timeline.
I. Adcom
A. At the 6/23 StateCom meeting, the StateCom will fill any current vacancy.
B. Adcom will conduct an evaluation of its structure (This is unfinished business that has been on their busy agenda for a while) and come back with a report, including any recommendations, to the Fall StateCom meeting.
C. Adcom will come up with a report for the Fall, 2012 StateCom meeting of its major goals for the rest of 2012 and 2013, and include a list of things they will need from other structures of the State Party to accomplish their objectives.
II. Working Committees
A. At the 6/23 StateCom meeting, the StateCom will remove any Director of a Working Committee that is not doing his/her work and seek to find a replacement.
B. All Working Committees will come up with a report for the Fall, 2012 StateCom meeting of its major goals for the rest of 2012 and 2013, and include a list of things they will need from other structures of the State Party to accomplish their objectives.
III. Convention Planning Comm.
A. At the 6/23 StateCom meeting, the “Committee” will deliver a report of the progress that they have made in selecting a date and location of the meeting, and any other progress that they will have made.
B. At the 6/23 StateCom, at least 4 members will join the committee.
C. This committee will work closely with Adcom to plan the convention. A report of their progress will be made at the Fall StateCom meeting.
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Title: Short Term Attainable Goals for the GRP
Sponsors: Mike Heichman, Suffolk County and Rick Purcell, Hampden County
Contact Info for Floor Manager: [email protected], 617-265-8143
Committees Vetted: Adcom, ComCom, CDLC, Membership & Diversity, & Platform
Background: Our party desperately needs a strategic plan. Unfortunately, it seems that the recent current effort has once again gone limbo.
Summary: The June 23rd StateCom meeting will adopt attainable goals for the rest of 2012 and establish a process that will continue to develop attainable goals with a realistic timeline.
I. Adcom and Working Committees will come up with a report for the Fall, 2012 StateCom meeting of its major goals for the rest of 2012 and 2013, and include a list of things they will need from other structures of the State Party to accomplish their objectives.
II. Reports will be presented to the Fall StateCom meeting. The StateCom will spend 30 minutes (more if it decides to extend) discussing and deciding a plan to grow the party for the rest of 2012 and 2013.
Rick Purcell, Hampden County, just sent me an e-mail saying that he is co-sponsoring this proposal.
Thanks Rick,
Mike Heichman