Sponsors: Matthew Andrews, Lois Gagnon
Vetting Committees: State Committee
Floor Manager: Matthew Andrews
Shepherd: Matthew Andrews
Summary: The purpose of this proposal is to begin a process of reviewing and updating our bylaws.
Background: Our bylaws are a great document that represent a tremendous amount of work, but they need to be reviewed and updated. The bylaws were written before most of us were members of the Green-Rainbow Party. We are in a completely new political climate. Much of the bylaws were written based on theories about how the party would grow and operate that never materialized. In some places the bylaws are overly complex, while in others they are vague. The bylaws should be a living document that reflect the current membership and the wisdom of recent experiences.
Text of Proposal: Amend bylaws 15.1 which defines how we amend bylaws at state conventions by replacing “a vote of 2/3” to “a majority vote”. Amend bylaws 15.2 which defines how state committee may amend bylaws from “by a 75% vote” to “by a 2/3 super-majority.” State Committee shall create a Bylaws Review Committee and appoint a convener or co-conveners. Full members of State Committee are encouraged to volunteer. Chapters may appoint two gender balanced representatives. The Administrative Committee may appoint up to 3 more members at any time to represent the broadest possible diversity. The Convener shall keep track of committee members and host meetings to discuss the bylaws and develop amendment proposals to be referred back to State Committee. The Bylaws Review Committee may voluntarily disband if a majority feels the work is done, or by a later vote of the State Committee.
Implementation: A few people must volunteer to be in email correspondence and occasionally meet by phone or internet conference. These volunteers must be willing and able to propose, read, and edit amendment proposals. A report with some recommendations should be presented in time for the next State Committee meeting.
Financial Implications: None
References and Attachments: None
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