Official response from submitted

From John Blumensteil


I am utilizing the MDVR proposed FY '20 budget as the means of providing the Annual MDVR report to the January 4, 2020 StateCom meeting.
Following is our brief report for SateCom:
At the May , 2019 GRP statewide convention, John Blumenstiel was elected in an uncontested vote to the position of Membership Director.  The MDVR Committee is open to all interested parties who would like to apply and participate in the mission of the MDVR ( stated below ).  We seek members from each party chapter so as to broaden our focus and efforts to increase the party membership, diversity and volunteer representation.
The pluses and minuses of our efforts for this past year include:
     1) A continued overstock of merchandise including ball caps, t-shirts, bumper stickers. This represents dollars expended over the years which we should focus on converting to cash for other party use. Our marketing efforts have been limited and largely unsuccessful.
     2) Multiple members of the MDVR played critical roles in the planning and execution of the ANM.Joshua Gerloff was particularly active in the ANM. Thank you Josh and all others who spent inordinate amounts of time and energy in providing a very successful ANM.
     3) The balance of the year has been focused on creating and planning a more active outreach during this calander/critical electoral year. They include:
            a. Outreach to campus  progressive groups. Brief detail included in budget section below.
            b. Support for each chapter to have their own party banner to increase our effiency at getting our name before the public. Detail is in budget proposal section.
            c. Creation of an outreach video for distribution to the chapters as well as placement on YouTube and other potential social media. Detail in budget proposal section.
           d. Support for outreach  efforts by the state chapters for three (east, central and western MA) demonstrations/tabeling events, etc to support statewide recognition of the GRP.
           e. In a last minute decision, the MDVR decided to host a year end call in for all members of the state party. The intention was to cteate additional forums for communicating and building more familiarity amongst our dispersed membership. Although our numbers were small, 4( Eileen Sheehan from South Coast,  Josh Gerloff from North Shore, Jill Stein and John Blumenstiel from Greater Boston). Despite the low turnout, we had a very interesting and valuable discussion which will eventually take form, possibly through some suggestions for strategy going into this most critical electoral year.  Perhaps this can be a format for future commraderie building.
This concludes our report.  Any MDVR Committee member is welcome to make amendments to this report. Any state party member who would like to join our efforts is welcome.  You may contact me at [email protected].
MISSION:  "The mission of MDVR Committee is to develop strategies, materials, and volunteer resources to expand the party base, both in diversity and number, in support of building the party as an effective elevtoral, educational and activist organization advocating for PEOPLE, PLANET and PEACE.
The following proposed budget was developed and approved by the MDVR committee on Tuesday, December 3, 2019
 1.  Campus Letter Outreach
      Rationale and detail:    This letter is intended to reach upto 300 
                                            college/university/community college
                                           progressive campus organizations 
                                           throughout the commonwealth. The draft 
                                           letter is intended to introduce the GRP,  
                                           identify our overlapping interests and values    
                                           and request a sit-down meeting to build a
                                           relationship and explore collaboration.
                                          Cost per letter: postage:  $.55
                                                                   copying     .11
                                                                envelope      .12 
                                                                                      .78 x 300 =                         $  234.00
2.  Banners
     Rationale and detail.    1 Professionally created banner                                        200.00
                                          6 Chapter designed and created @ $75.00 ea
                                              for supplies.                                                                   450.00
                                            With the coming political year, GRP must be
                                            present and available at multiple demonstrations 
                                            and rallies.  We must heighten our visual presence 
                                            at events throughout the state.                                                                    
3.  Video production:         A script is nearing completion for an                              2,500.00
                                          approximately 10 minute video (DVD as well
                                          link to  YouTube and other digital media) to
                                          introduce the party to a larger population reach 
                                          than we have traditionally been able to reach. We 
                                          are working with a professional videographer 
                                          from Bard College.  I have requested his estimate
                                          for  production costs and am using the present 
                                          figure as a place holder in the budget. 
                                          Hopefully cost can be significantly less.     
4.  Funds for ideally 3 ( East, Central and West ) regions of the state 
                                       for major tabling or demonstration participation 
                                       supported by statewide membership.                                  500.00 to 1,000.00
                                                           TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET RANGE        $3,884   to    $4,3884

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