Negotiation Not Domination Rally

On Friday, February 24th approximately 100 peace protesters in 5 cities across the Commonwealth delivered messages to their congressional representatives including Senators Warren and Markey, Representatives McGovern, Auchincloss, and Neal.

Organized by Mass Peace Action, a wide range of peace activists sent their joint call for a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine War. The elected officials have largely supported the American war machine.  

GRP member, John Blumentstiel, joined the Reverend Vernon Walker and State Rep Michael Connlley of Somerville and Cambridge at Downtown Crossing in Boston.  He pointed out that "in any conflict, there are always at least two sides.  It is the responsibility of all sides to consider alternatives.  We have failed in our country to discuss this openly.  Our own congressional representatives--Markey, Warren, and Auchincloss--refuse even to answer the basic questions:  Is NATO membership for Ukraine worth the threat of nuclear war? What would the US do if Russia was moving troops and weapon systems into Canada and Mexico? No answers from them."

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  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2023-03-01 16:01:31 -0500