Thanks for RSVPing for the Green-Rainbow Party 2020 Annual Convention!
Important information:
- Stay tuned for updated workshop schedule! Workshops via Zoom will be simulcast to our Facebook page. We will notify registrants via email!
The annual Convention Business Meeting will be held Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Click here to RSVP!
- The Business Meeting is where the GRP Membership gathers to elect GRP Officers, Directors, GPUS Delegates, discuss party business and vote on proposals. If you wish to participate as a member, you must be either 1. a registered Green-Rainbow Party voter (J) or 2. Unenrolled (U) and paying dues as of August 29th.
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- Candidates for GRP Officer, Director and GPUS Delegate must be a registered Green-Rainbow Party voter (J).
- Click here to change your registration.
- Click here to pay dues.
Do you have the skills, time and enthusiasm to keep this party going?
Candidates are sought for the following positions:
- Male Co-chair and Female Co-chairs
- Act as official spokespeople of the Green-Rainbow Party (GRP)
- Set the agenda for Adcom meetings.
- Arrange for facilitation of all state conventions, Statecom and Adcom meetings.
- Notify other Adcom members of meetings.
- Ensure that other Adcom members are performing their duties.
- Treasurer
- Ensure that the GRP prepares a yearly budget.
- Record all financial transactions involving the GRP.
- Present summary financial reports at every Adcom meeting.
- Present a full financial report at every Statecom meeting.
- Present an annual financial report at State Conventions.
- File financial and tax reports as required by law.
- Secretary
- Ensure that minutes are recorded at all GRP meetings.
- Distribute minutes to members in a timely manner.
- Certify local chapters.
- Membership Director
- Chair the Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment working committee.
- Ensure that local chapters have assistance with expanding their membership and improving their organizing efforts.
- Ensure that the GRP organizing manual is up-to-date.
- Ensure that the local chapters have access to training classes on organizing and membership development.
- Find experienced organizers who will work with local chapters to improve their organizing.
- Fundraising Director
- Ensure that the GRP prepares a fundraising plan with a yearly budget.
- Ensure that the fundraising plan is executed.
- Ensure that the GRP meets its fundraising goals.
- Ensure that local chapters have assistance with expanding their fundraising efforts.
- Find experienced fundraisers who will work with the state party and local chapters to improve their fundraising.
- Communications Director
- Chair the communications and media working committee.
- Ensure that we develop media strategies for state party campaigns.
- Organize the creation of the GRP's print newsletter, email newsletter and web site.
- Organize a speaker's bureau.
- Ensure that we develop relationships with members of the media.
- Ensure that press releases are written and distributed to the media.
- Ensure that local chapters have assistance to improve their skills for developing and implementing media strategies.
- 2 Male Delegates to GPUS National Committee
- 2 Female Delegates to GPUS National Committee
- 2 Alternate Male Delegates to GPUS National Committee
- 2 Alternate Female Delegates to GPUS National Committee
- Attend GPUS National Committee meetings.
- Send to State Committee in a timely manner:
- any proposals put forward for comment
- how the delegate voted on proposals
- the minutes from all GPUS National Committee meetings
The above link's entered information will be used to create a nomination form that will be sent to other Green-Rainbow Party members to collect at least 10 nominations by September 2020.
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Our plan this time is to check credentials of registrants seeking nomination signatures for officer, delegate and director positions afterwards. As I understand it, these positions are open to all Green-Rainbow-registered voters.